1. Black King takes White Queen

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        Silence had fallen in the room for several moments as Kai stood there, his fists clenched at his sides. He looked at Makoto as though he wanted to attack, but he knew it wasn't her fault. "So then...that means..." his words were broken as he tried to wrap his head around the information he had just received. "Himari and Mai...."

      Makoto put up her hand as though to stop him. "Actually, no... You really didn't know that Himari is..." She stopped suddenly, as though she was mulling over her words. "Kai, Himari isn't Mai's biological daughter..."

      Her voice was low. And for the first time since they had met, it seemed like she was trying to handle the conversation delicately but  Kai's head dropped as though her words were a ball and chain on his shoulders.

"What. The hell. Are you talking about?"

Makoto sighed, planting her face in her hand. "You know, I understand that the director wants to protect the two of you but—"

      Just then she was hoisted off the ground and backed against the door with a resounding thud! Kai's eyes flashed a dark amber blue as he held her by the collar.

"The only one who needs to protect us is me! Now, start talking!!"

     Makoto looked down at him and grabbed his wrists. She sent a pulse of electricity through them, causing him to clench his teeth and drop her. "OUuughh!" He exclaimed as he grabbed his wrists and shifted in pain.

     Makoto stood straight up. "If you think you're going to be able to intimidate me like that, you're sadly mistaken. Don't you dare portray me as the bad guy just because you don't want to face reality! Is it really that bad anyway!? It's not like your world is collapsing all over again, so get over it!" Kai glared at her as he mulled over her words in his head. Slowly his teeth unclenched, and his fists loosened. Her words were bold and angry even. Beyond that, he saw an almost sad look on her face.

"You're right. I'm sorry."

      At this point, Kai really didn't know who he was upset with; the girl who had come out of the shadows with his teacher's true identity, his boss/mother for hiding his roots from him and the roots of his foster-sister, the rogue vampires for causing so much trouble, or himself for letting things get this far. Makoto crossed her arms and shook her head.

"Fine, whatever. Just calm down. Everything that's been kept from you, has been or a—"

      A sudden ring from her back pocket interrupted her train of thought. She plucked the phone from its place and held it to her ear. "Hello?"

"You're with Kai right?" Came Klein's voice from the other end.

"Yea, I told you I was going to tell him what I know." Her voice told Kai that she was still feeling a bit perturbed.

"Kai and Kokona need to get down to the office, now! The bosses in DC are suspending Mai until further notice."

     Makoto's eyes grew wide as she nearly dropped her cellphone onto the floor. She looked up at Kai who was raising his eyebrow. "Get to the office now!"

Kai nodded, he wasn't sure what was going on, but he had a pretty good idea about who she was talking to.

      "Kokona, we need to go now!" He called out as he grabbed his jacket. "Makoto, stay here! Don't go anywhere until I call got it?!" She nodded as Kokona came from around the corner, her eyes locking on Makoto giving her a "Not impressed" sort of look.  Makoto averted her gaze as she pulled another phone from her pocket tossing it over to Kai who caught it in midair.

"That's a burner phone, from now on, use only that, I'll grab another one for her when I go back to Klein's later."  Kai nodded as he tossed the door open running out with Kokona in tow.

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