5. Black Rook takes White Knight.... Or Not... (Memories of Brothers Past (4)

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"I still say this was a mistake, if they find out, our whole plan is toast." Cassandra's voice was firm, devoid of all emotion as she spoke to the man sitting across from her. It was about 2:30 in the afternoon, she had gotten a call about 2 hours earlier from the man sitting in front of her. He was probably in his early 50's with dark hair and wrinkles around his eyes that aged him just right. His face, showed clearly that he was not impressed nor amused.

"We needed to speak, you are getting way off track!" He hissed as Cassandra rolled her eyes.

"You and I never have and never will see eye to eye on this dad, now listen carefully. To get what we want, he have to get Haruka on our side." The man who was Cassandra's father narrowed his eyes at his daughter.

"He'll never join us, he has given his loyalty to to that disgusting organization!" Cassandra merely rolled her eyes while taking a bite out of the hamburger she had ordered for lunch.

"A little more time and I can convince him...." She said as a smirk crossed at the corner of her lips as she removed her jacket showing off her bust. With another role of his eyes the man grabbed a fry from the basket in front of him.

"Your "womanly wiles won't get you everything. If only you had learned that earlier..." with a huff she stood up from her seat grabbing her burger stuffing the last bit into her mouth.

"Thanks for the invite dad, it's been a real blast." She said, sarcasm dripping from her voice. "Oh and by the way, you think I'm crazy, who's the one going along with the plan of the filth of the planet?" She snarled. At that moment Mr. Thomson stood up striking Cassandra across the face.... Rubbing her cheek she glared at the man before grabbing her coat and walking out of the restaurant. As she walked outside she clenched her fists at her sides. 'I'll show that old bag.' She thought to herself as she headed back to her car to head back to the office.

The VHA:

It was a good thing the restaurant was only about a 5 minute drive from the office. Ms. Hinata had called her in for some last minute briefings before sending them overseas. She knocked gently on the door as she recomposed herself silently reminding herself that this wasn't her old man she was dealing with now and at least for the moment she needed to stay on this woman's good side. "Come in." She heard Ms. Hinata's voice from the inside call out as she opened the door. She saw Ms. Hinata shut her laptop that was propped on her desk as she looked up at the younger woman. "Good, you made it. Akio should be here anytime but listen, I need you to do one more mission for us before we send you on your way, can you do that?" Ms. Hinata asked, her voice calm and smooth.

"Of course Ma'am, whatever you need?" Cassandra answered as a matter of factly.

'One more mission and we'll be out of here, then he'll be in my world.'

Snapping out of her own little world she noticed Ms. Hinata shuffling in a drawer. "Permission to speak freely Ma'am" Cassandra chimed up. Ms. Hinata gave a small nod. "You really need to get more organized." The older woman picked her head up and handed her a manilla coloured folder.

"Everything is in its place Ms. Thomson, one person's mess is another person's order, remember that."

"Yes Ma'am." Cassandra said with a nod.

"Now, head outside, I want to speak with Akio privately when he arrives before I send you two on your way." Cassandra tucked the folder under her arm and turned around and out the door.

Mai Hinata stood up from her desk walking over to the door checking to make sure no one was around before going back and picking up a black cellphone with what looked like an extended battery attached to the back and dialed a number putting it to her ear waiting. "Your outside right?" She listened for a moment before hanging up the phone putting it into a drawer where the folder was before. A few seconds later there was a knock on the door and a man about Mai's age walked in.

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