8. Fractured Pieces

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'Sometimes the things I do for that boy stun even me...' Himari thought as she held the flashlight in her teeth aiming the beam of light at the computer on Mrs. Hinata's desk.

She snuck out of the house at around midnight and her knees were sore from crawling low on the ground trying to avoid the cameras outside and inside the building but now she was in, the hard part was over.... she thought.

She sighed flipping on the laptop that rested in the corner of the desk and turned down the backlight taking a red flash drive out of her pocket and plugged it into the USB port. A screen of symbols and codes appeared as the computer loaded she hit a few keys and suddenly the screen flashed with articles and files.

She watched the chaos looking at the date stamps on each report until she came to the date that closely coincided with the date Akio and Cassandra transferred to America. She tapped a key causing the reports to slow down and sifted through them finally she stopped and swallowed hard...

        'What the hell?....' She slid the icon for the file over to her flash drive unplugging it and ducked down heading out of the office and back into the night air to make it home. 'Kai was right, something strange is going on....'


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CLANDESTINE PROGRESSIVE ARC 1: ORIGINWhere stories live. Discover now