11. An Unwelcome Revelation and the beginning of Loyalty

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It took another 45 minutes for them to finally get to the school. Finding a parking spot was another pain altogether as they still had evening classes and other activities going on. Kai got out of the car and ran out onto the sidewalk and through the doors with Kokona close in toe. He stopped seeing Rachel, a red-haired banshee. He wasn't exactly fond of her and the feeling was mutual but she was good friends with Himari. "Rachel, have you seen Himari?"

Rachel gave Kai a smug look, "yeah, she's in the computer lab, its locked up for the night but she has a key." She crossed her arms, "something wrong?"

Kai shook his head. "Something about a project she needed help with, nothing to worry about." He lied as he ran past her. Kokona stopped crouching down in exhaustion...

"Kai, slow down damn it! Why are we going to see her anyway, the Chief is going to be really upset!" Kai didn't slow down he simply spoke as he walked.

"I don't know exactly what she wants but trust me, it's important, we'll both explain when we get there." He turned a corner and put his hand on the doorknob with Kokona right behind him.

Inside Himari was holding the door shut, her hand was trembling on the knob as she held a broken piece of glass in one hand. Kai tried to open the door but noticed the resistance. He knocked Gently. Himari, it's us."

Himari breathed a sigh of relief hearing Kai's voice and opened the door the rest of the way gesturing them to hurry inside. Kai and Kokona quickly stepped in as she closed the door behind them.

"What the hell took you so long!" She snapped crossing her arms.

Kai put up his hands dismissively, "hey, we were just at a mansion miles away, I had to obey the speed limit you know!"

Kokona crossed her arms as well "oh really, you call driving 100 on a 75 obeying the speed limit?"

He turned to look at her... "Oh shut up!" Unusually Kokona seemed a bit taken aback by his reaction.She smirked then looked at Himari,

"Alright, what are we doing here Hinata?" She asked. Kokona and Hinata really never did get along very well. She gestured towards one of the computers she already had running.

"Kai asked me to look into something, I did and I found something you both really need to see... She bit her lower lip... "Kokona... it's something you're not going to like...." She pushed past Himari and sat down,

" She pushed past Himari and sat down,

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"I can handle it." She said crossly as she looked at the screen.

What she saw made her blood boil, her fists clenched tightly as she got up from the chair... "Lies..." She muttered, her eyes were dark as she looked toward the floor. "It's not true... any of it." She turned toward Himari grabbing her arm and shoulder and shoved her against the wall "You're making this up!" Kai suddenly grabbed Kokona's arm...

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