(2) The World Changes (Mai)

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Three days later:

      "Oh man, what a mess." The man said to no one in particular. He grabbed the inside of his black uniform shirt and used it to plug his nose as he backed up. "Remind me to stop coming with you guys on these cases." He shuffled back a couple more meters before finally stopping. Sighing he uncovered his nose and fixed the wrinkles in his shirt. "I'm getting too damn old for this." He huffed as he used his hand to fix the badge clipped to his uniform. The badge bore the name "Diachi Fumio." The 40- something year old was the superintendant of the city's police department. Next to him was another, a much younger man, probably around 18 or 19 years old. He was also one of the youngest senior police officers in recorded history.

       "To be fair Sir, you are always saying that you want to come with us." The older man scowled;

"Shut up Atsushi!" The younger man bowed slightly backing up. 

"Sorry Sir." The older man known as Diachi Fumio couldn't help but let out a loud hearty laugh.

"Man, you really are fun to screw with! I mean, you're so skittish.... How the hell are you one of the top officers here!?" The younger man rolled his eyes.

"Come on Sir, isn't this serious?" The man instantly stopped laughing, downcasting his eyes.

"Buzzkill." He muttered. Taking a step forward he let out a sigh. "Where the hell is Hinata?!" The young man sighed.

         "Easy Sir, remember, she lives all the way across town, it takes a while for her to get here." The Superintendent rolled his eyes.

"I know you two have been friends for quite a while, but you are really going to have to learn someday to put your personal feelings aside from your work." A cold sweat dripped from the young man's forehead.

"Now that's just a cheapshot!" the younger said as the  older crossed his arms.

"Seriously though, always being late like this, is unprofessional and someday it will catch up with her, no matter how good of a cop she is." His voice was low and stern. The young man nodded as he bit his lower lip.

        "Wait, I'm here...!" As if on cue a voice was heard directly behind them. Both men turned to see a girl, the same age as the younger gentleman, about 18 or 19."S..sorry I'm late Sir...." The girl sighed as she put her hand up then bowed apologetically. Fumio sighed....

"Are you at least caught up?...."  The girl gave a nervous smile.

"The victim is a 21 year old female, her ID says she's from the US, and according to an eyewitness who claims to be her best friend, they were both here for an exchange student program at their University, they were on their way to a hotel when a male, about their age wrapped in a dark sweatshirt with a hood pulled over his head approached them.

"He says, she was drawn to him somehow and just walked off with him, Even after he called out to her, he said that it seemed like her legs were moving on their own." The younger man piped up receiving a glare from the older.

"Thank you Klein," the girl said with a smile. Then suddenly as though something caught her off guard the girl bit her lower lip. "Why didn't he call the authorities right off?" She asked.

      "Personally, I think he did it, the older man said bluntly.

"But, we have no proof." spat the younger officer known as Klein.

       "Yea.... show me the body." The girl said, her voice dripping with some kind of strange tone, like she had a hunch but didn't want to say anything. Klein guided her to the body and she kneeled down grabbing the shirt of her uniform and pinched her nose shut.... It wasn't all that particularly gruesome, in fact, it seemed really quite tame, no slices, no bruises, nothing seemed out of the ordinary... so why did the body smell so bad already? The body was wrapped in a black blanket. She moved it slightly moving it down a bit to show her neck first. That's when she saw it.

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