3. A Queen and a Pack Mule

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Portland Oregon 4 Years Ago:
      "I can't believe we're here!" Himari said turning to Kai as the plane came to a halt on the runway of the Portland International Airport. It was the first time in almost 4 years that Mei Hinata had gotten some vacation time and she had decided to take Himari and Kai to Washington state up to Mt. St Hellens. Kai had his eyes clamped shut clenching his fists against the arms of the chair as they landed causing Himari to scrunch her face as she looked at him. "You're still such a wuss!" She said sticking her tongue out at him as the "fasten your seatbelt" sign finally faded.

"Himari, don't give him such a hard time, heights can be scary." Mai Hinata said trying to reassure him.

Himary simply slumped against the seat rolling her eyes. "He's the one who chose the window seat." She said as she stood up stretching her arms over her head letting out a yawn. "I mean come on.... Don't you climb buildings and things all the time during work?" Himari asked as she stepped over Kai trying to get into the Isle as they dismissed the passengers. When he was past and the feeling of having his throat inside his stomach had subsided he slowly stood up on Shaky legs grabbing the backs of chairs as he made his way to the front of the plane. Just then he felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see Mai smiling down at him.

"Don't take her too seriously, she's just doing it because that's what sisters are for." He nodded but didn't turn.

"I'm used to it by now, I mean, I've lived in the same house with her for how long?" He asked as he made his was way off the plane.

        Right away it was clear to Kai why Ms Hinata had chosen the destination she did, his blue eyes trailed along the area in amazement, even though the sky was dark and overcast it was clear that this place was well off. Mixtures of greens, reds, pinks, blues... And all of this just around the runway of the airport. The next step was to get a rental car, it wasn't much to look at, but it fit their needs.

        As Ms. Hinata drove Kai's eyes were glued out the window. "You act as though you've never seen trees and stuff before," Himari said with a slight sneer.

"It's so cold back home, usually the trees are covered all in snow." He felt a jab at his shoulder, "well, it is winter you idiot." Kai just shook his head silently as he continued to watch the scenery fly by. "And yet.... We're going to the mountains." Himari said under her breath.

"Mom asked what you wanted to do on vacation and you said, go skiing. You can't really complain when the whole thing was your idea." He said with a smirk.

"Says the one who wanted to go on his first airplane and was nauseous the whole way." Himari shot back.

"Don't worry, there will be plenty for us to do." Came Ms. Hinata's voice from the front seat. Himari crossed her arms over her chest as she looked out her own window.

"Maybe after a day or two on the mountain, we can come to the greener area," Kai suggested. "I think that's a good idea." Ms. Hinata called out in agreement.

        It didn't take too much longer for the terrain to get a bit rough, the scene began to change too as they got closer to the mountaintop, it started to look a bit more familiar now. "It is a bit strange though, going on vacation to a place that's a lot like home," Kai said suddenly.

"Its winter here. Ms. Hinata chimed in, below the mountain I'm actually surprised it's not raining. I have a friend who is based here, it's actually her cabin we're going to be using while we're here."

         Finally, the car came to a stop in front of a cabin surrounded what looked like a small forest, there was a bit of white slush on the ground but not much. "Wait, how are we supposed to ski in this?...." Himari groaned as she stepped out of the car bending down on her knees picking up a small bit of the slush in her hands. "

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