3. The New Boss is an Otaku (Can we trust her?)

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      Kai grabbed his wrists as he gently massaged where the vines had been tightly wrapped. "You know, you could loosen up a little, I mean, it's not like I was going anywhere." Kokona nodded slowly as she looked almost distant.

"Yea, sorry about that, I think I'm gonna go to bed. We are going to have a long day tomorrow, what with meeting the new boss and all." She slowly started moving towards the photon. Kai could tell something was wrong. He made his way over to her grabbing her shoulder.

     "What happened at Klein's, you didn't get into it with Makoto did you?" She gently pulled away and turned letting a smile cross her face.

"We came to an understanding, don't worry your goofy little head about it." Her tone was confident but on the inside she was very unsure. Kai sighed as he turned towards his room.

"Alright then."

     He walked past the hall placing his hand on the door before stopping. 'The replacement... why do I have a bad feeling about this?'.... He thought to himself as he slowly opened the door sighing as he slid the door closed behind him. 'Alright, well We'll worry about that tomorrow.'

     Walking over to his closet he  pulled out a plain white T-shirt and tossed it on the bed before lifting his uniform off his frame and hanging it back up in the closet. Turning to the bed he slipped the T-shirt over his frame and grabbed a pair of shorts before flopping on the bed.

     'I wonder what was going on with Kokona, she had absolutely no life after going at it with Makoto....' He sighed as he grabbed the pillow pulling it closer. 'Guess we'll take care of that tomorrow too.' He thought as the world started to fade to black.

       The next morning Kai let out a slight sigh as he rolled to the other end of the bed. His body had managed to wake him up today. The sun had just barely begun to rise and shine through the trees into his window as he quickly jumped up grabbing the corner of the curtain pulling it closed. 'Damn.... It's too early...' He groaned inwardly as he made his way over to his closet. After slipping on his uniform he  headed towards the living room. "You awake yet?" He called down the hall to Kokona.

      "In the kitchen!" She hollered as she gripped the carton of milk in her hand. As Kai rounded the corner she could already see the smirk crossing the corner of his mouth.

"I don't believe it, you're actually awake before me?" Kokona rolled her pale purple eyes.

"Shut up, it's been a long week." She glowered at him as he sat down

"Well, at least you seem like you're feeling better." Suddenly she stuffed a spoonful in her mouth. "Nmugghff..." She sighed.

      "If you're going to eat be quick about it, we need to get going. We're already on the radar because we failed to report on the last assignment." He got up from his chair and walked towards the fridge.
      "Not really that hungry but I haven't fed in a while." He said as he opened the door and plucked a bag of cool crimson liquid. Kokona plugged her nose as kai ripped a hole in the bag with his fang.

     "Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful that you don't have a taste for living human blood but, that stuff is rancid! Are you sure it's still ok to drink?" She asked. Kai opened the bag the rest of the way squinting as he looked at the bags contents.

"It is a little ripe but it's fine." He said as he downed the rest of the contents and tossed the bag in the trash.

"Right..." She said as she got up from her seat heading to the sink to wash her bowl. "I'm ready to go if you are, I know you don't like the sun much." She said sarcastically.

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