9. The Truth

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You know, I started watching Rishta Likhenge Hum Naya recently and gotta say, Dia is just awesome awesome awesome! But she deserves a better guy if you ask me. I mean, Ratan is cool. But still... It's kind of a habit to see Ragini with Laksh on the screen, and with Sanskar in fics, no? 😂😂

Moving on... 💃💃💃

"Words in double quotes" - Talking

'Words in single quotes' - Thoughts

(Words in braces) - Telephone conversations

Chapter 9 - The Truth

With a last parting glance, Ragini headed inside towards Sanskar's room. "Sa-" However, Ragini's words disappeared from her mouth as she saw the scene before her, making her gasp in shock and horror.

There, inside the room, lay glass shards all around, some even with blood on them. "Sa-Sanskar?" she called out in a soft voice on reflex. She stepped into the room with silent steps, careful not to step on the pieces. 'If it was a thief, he may still be inside. Better not make a noise. But what could they want in Sanskar's room.'

Ragini looked behind the door to make sure no one was hiding behind it

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Ragini looked behind the door to make sure no one was hiding behind it. From the corner of her eyes, she saw Sanskar near the wall.

Ragini let out a sigh of relief. She was about to approach him when she noticed his hand on the wall.

Not just any part of the wall...

But where Durgaprasad's photo was hung.

Sanskar's hand was bleeding, but still he kept it fisted over the photo frame. As Ragini looked to the floor, she noticed another photo frame lying there.

It was of Laksh.

The glass of the photo was missing. Now, she didn't have any doubt left on where the glass shards on the ground came from.

Sanskar's voice brought her attention back to him.

"Why?" he spoke out loud. "Why did you do this to me? Why did you steal my happiness Bade Papa? What was my fault?! What exactly was my fault!?"

Ragini placed a hand over her mouth to cover her gasp. 'He sounds...he sounds normal. But what about his madness. He seems to be cured all of a sudden. But how!?'

Sanskar raised his fist and hit the picture again. "Why!? Why!? Why!? Why did you kill Kavita?! Why did you end my happiness?!" he punched the frame over and over again until it finally fell down on the ground with a loud crash.

Ragini watched with fear and uncertainty as he stood there with ragged breaths. He balled both his hands into fists and took rapid breaths to calm himself. Finally, he seemed to get control of his rage and let out a deep breath.

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