September 17th

10 1 0

9am art class. Strained with concentration, the room was filled with determined and motivated artists who sit at their assigned desks expressing their creative talent with different materials such as oil pastels and water colours. The atmosphere felt... yellow. Strange how a colour can present a mood so well; the room felt yellow, as in people actually enjoyed the artistic atmosphere of our top students art on the hiemal brick walls. Delilah Blue sits at her lonely table with people she didn't really like because her friend was in the other class but she dealt with it.Delilah had hair the colour of sloe and the eyes of coal and her skin was like the warm umbra of toffee. She had a HB staedtler pencil in her right hand and gripped it firmly to control the harshness of the lines of her tonal drawing. She sat in silence because she didn't feel particularly proud about the work or any of her art work despite the amount of random people complimenting them because it wasn't right to her. Ponderously, she sat and drew over the same grey line about 20 times already until her teacher asked if she wanted anymore work and if she was done. She quietly shook her head and carried on. An older student, probably in a year or two above walked in. She quietly observed the student and he was two years above because they wore their own clothes and the school policy did not allow students in GCSE years and below to wear their own clothes. The student walked in with a girl, most likely a friend. Delilah looked up nonchalantly and immediately was intrigued however it didn't really occur to her that it was someone who she would admire very much...

Dimmed and dark, the computer suite was the most boring place in the school but the best because all you can do is just search whatever you want. Adelaide Winters sat in a product design  class planning and typing product description onto her desktop not really listening to anyone but her playlist consisting of alternative rock music.Ada was really similar to Delilah however her hair was a much lighter brown, like a chestnut colour.Her eyes were the shape of almonds and resembled the skin of a coconut and he skin resembled milk.The work was tedious but it was for her final grade for that year. She was friends with Delilah and they would message each other  from across the school about things that happened. 

  " Delilah: OMG!!"

" Adelaide: lmao what?"

" Delilah: i saw a dude and he looks pretty damn f i n e!!"

" Adelaide: lmao, I'm so sure"

" Delilah: Trust me! meet me near the art stairs !1!1" 

"Adelaide: ahah okk"

What riveting conversations, right? Anyway once it hit 10:40am the lesson was over so Delilah waited patiently for her friend Ada. Her cold hand grasped her phone in her had hoping it would bring some type of warm to her body. It didn't but Ada finally arrived. She showed the guy she found attractive but didn't necessarily 'love' him. He walked down the concrete stairs as they stood near the door that was constantly opened because of those pesky 11 year old kids. 

" That's the one!" she discreetly pointed out to Ada.

He had a square face shape with a prominent jawline. His eyes were a shade of olive green that glistened in the winter day light and reflected back into the sky and his hair had a very Leonardo  Dicaprio vibe to it as it was like an 80's curtain hairstyle but slightly modernised. He had such innocent eyes that you couldn't' even say no to something as adorable. Beautiful. 

This is the start of a painful journey...

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