Act 1: Shattering

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Delilah sat on the end of her bed. She didn't feel anything but the cold air seeping in though the windows flooding the room and sinking into whats left of her bed from last night. Matthew left early that morning leaving her alone, cold and isolated. No goodbye, no note, no message, no nothing. He just left. She was left  disheartened but that didn't stop her from doing what she normally does. Delilah put on an oversized hoodie that was old and tattered and put on her pink bunny slippers and went to her kitchen to make a cup (or two) of tea. It was really quite, too quite in fact. As she flipped the kettles little which on, she turned the central heating on and blared music through her speakers, she poured herself some granola and added fruits to it and as the kettle stopped, she made her self a hot cup of tea to warm up what Matthew couldn't that morning. She took a deep breath and messaged Ada; She's the only one that she can talk to right now.


*no reply*


*no reply*

" Ada I need you right now"

" sorry! I was still asleep I just woke up now, whats up?"

" is everything ok?"

"I really don't think Matthew loves me..."

" he just left with out saying goodbye or anything. not even a note!"

"maybe he didn't want to disturb you?"

" well he always says goodbye or at least messages me ?"

" oh"

" yeah, I'm just going to leave it .."

Delilah tries to divert attention as she reads and watches TV shows without messaging anyone because she felt isolated and Ada has other things that matter to her. Even though she is Delilah's best friend and she cares a lot, she does have things of her own to care about; her own feelings and other stuff.  She decides to cut of Matthew before he does it to her and create more ruckus. 

" hi,

I don't think we'll work out very well. you just left me this morning with nothing, no note, no message. You left. To me there was so love, just lust. You just wanted me because I'd give myself to you and honestly I'm glad nothing happened. It's a shame because you are so pretty but you aren't so pretty inside and your intentions are rotten. Lust>love? Thats absolutely shameful.

dont message me again, I don't want to see or hear from you... ever.."

As she hit send, a tears streamed down her soft cheeks. She did love him but it wasn't worth the pain. She deleted and blocked him on everything and decided to take a long walk to freshen her mind. She put on her dark blue hoodie with a pair of black ripped jeans, her white converse and a fur lined denim jacket for extra warmth. She grabbed her keys and her phone and her bag and headed for the door. As the door closed, Delilah looked down and continued to walk. No where in particular but he walked. She passed the vintage book shop that she was supposed to take Matthew to but obviously never happened and as she did the whether became cold and stormy like the storm brewing up inside of her and by the time the sky weeped and realised heavy raindrop so did Delilah. She made her way to the pier near the beach and walked up to the end where there was a small sheltered area and sat there. Despite the storm being so strong causing the waves to rattle the stilts of the pier and blow Delilah side to side, (she felt the same thing inside) she sat there and continued to look out into the desolate ocean colliding with heavy fog and mist she felt outright at ease. she felt like the world knew what she was going through and mirrored it into something more visible and physical. By the time she got her phone out, it was 6pm. She sat there in intense storm for around 9 hours doing nothing but thinking and appreciating the things she took for granted like having a best friend and nature. Will anyone love Delilah? She was most certainly skeptical about it.

The house was still empty. Delilah's mum and dad haven't come home from work yet so that gave Delilah time to blare her music throughout the house. The music was so loud that it drowned every sad emotion she had and by the time the song ended and another played, she was dancing in her pyjamas with a bottle of sprite in her hand (a litre bottle) and singing along to  The Wombats. Her evening alone felt like she was having a fresh start but she still had that sharif glass still stuck In her heart. It's like breaking a glass; they can't be fixed, they can be replaced and there will always be a bit of broken glass around even if you cant see it. 

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