Delilah's whereabouts...

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It's been at least 24 hours since Ada has messaged Delilah and still. No reply.She didn't come to school and now she was getting really worried so she decided to actually go to her house. She put on a scarf and left her house however it was getting dark and dangerous, especially around her area. She cautiously walked to the traffic lights where Delilah and Ada would spend 20 minutes after school and thats where bad thoughts would race through Ada's head. what is she got kidnapped? what is she ended it? what happened to her! she walked as fast as she could to her house. The wind violently shoved Ada side to side, scraping her cheeks to and icy sheath. She was terrified now. where on earth could she be. As she crossed the final road to her house, she ran down the drive to her door. she gave two knocks before she heard someone walk down the stairs. she just hoped it was Delilah...

" hi is Delilah home" Ada says desperate. She know her mother so she was relieved. Delilah's mother looked at Ada for a bit.

" oh yeah, she said to tell you that she'll be back tomorrow, at school I mean." Delilah's mother seemed confident about what she was saying.

" oh okay thank you.." it was cold and Ada was shivering.

" do you want to come in? warm up a little?" Her mother insisted

" no. it's fine." Ada said coldly and walked away.

no message. no call. no email. not even a letter? what is going on?

As Ada walked home in the piercing cold, her phone buzzed in her pocket and she just hoped it was Delilah.

" hey, I had a nice time yesterday! I was wondering if you were free now?" It was Lucas. Ada was in a little dilemma; should she say yes to him or continue looking for Delilah?

" I am but I'm looking for Delilah, my friend. She's missing and I don't know where she is" She typed as fast as her frozen hands could allow her to.

" can I come and help you? I don't want you to search alone"

Yes, please. I need protection

" please, I'm on Rosedale Road right now, I'll wait near the phone box"

" I'll be right there x" he replied

Ada's phones buzzed again.

" I'm sorry I didn't message you. I know I completely went off the radar I am actually so sorry! Please forgive me. I will try to come back into school tomorrow and don't worry about where I am I'll explain it all tomorrow.~ D"

It was Delilah! Finally, relief dropped on Ada and her muscles relaxed but as she took a deep breath and sighed, Lucas ran around the corner.

" hey you're just in t-" before Ada could finish what she was going to say, Lucas laid a soft, warm tender kiss on Ada's cold frost bitten lips and pulled her in closer. His body warmth. Circulated Ada and every inch of him felt like home. Home. His hands embosomed her icy skin and leaked warmth which Ada had been craving for. Her hands gently lay on his chest; she felt homely and at ease. Their lips interlocked and they exchanged what they both had been really craving for. Love.

" I was worried about you, let's go to find Delilah!" Lucas sounded concerned and wanted to do everything he can to help her.

" why did you kiss me?" Ada broke the tense atmosphere. Lucas stood In front of her head tilted like a puppy.

" I kissed you because you are not like every other girl. As platitude as it sounds, I'm being completely honest with you. You have such an inconceivable aura that is unexplainable!"

" Lucas, I don't know what to say.." Ada paused before she could look backup to his glossy eyes that were so fixated on her so lovingly

" actions speak louder than words" Lucas finished and then proceeded to drown her in his loving and gentle kisses and she allowed herself to drown into them.

"Dear Adelaide,

I'm sorry if I haven't been speaking to you lately or replying to you. I just wanted to tell you that you will always be my number one even if I'm not for you. I know Lucas means a lot to you and he makes you happy and I am so grateful for you. This isn't some going away letter, just some proof that I've been reading your messages and listening to you excited voicemails and to be honest, it's nice to see you happy. I'm glad there someone out there who could do that. I just wanted to say that I have been gone for a while and I'm just up to a few things and I just wanted to see if you could be gone a day without me. I've been in hospital for a while because I was involved in a car collision and I was so close to losing my arms and I was so close to having some type of damage to my brain, but someone admitted me to hospital. I don't know it was but an angel in the daylight is definitely what I'll be calling them! I'm sorry. I know I'm so stupid and you tell me that regardless if it's a joke or not it is true and I know it. Loud and clear. If I had lost my life that day, I would've lost you and you would've lost me. Your thoughts have probably been turned into some type of prayer and it had been hear. Don't worry about me, I'll be okay. You just live your life like normal because ill be back soon!

~ love Delilah x""

Ada's eyes flooded with salty tears that streamed down her face. Runny mascara ran down her face and she looked up to Lucas.

" I think we should go home and fix you up love" Lucas said pulling her into a hug and walking down to her house which wasn't a long walk from where they were.

She struggled to open the door with her fingers, trembling as she wept and sobbed. Lucas held her cold hands between his and looked her in her watery eyes and softly placed a kiss on her quivering lips. " I'll open it" he says as he unlocks the door swiftly.

God damn it, I love him so much

Ada races to her bedroom and cries on her bed. She sat with her knees to her chest and Lucas walks in taking off his scarf and takes off his coat ad places it on the chair that ponder alone in the corner. Cautiously, he sits next to Ada and she flings her arms at him and he pulls her into a hug which they both end up lying down with Ada on top. Lucas turns over so he's facing her and moves the one strand of hair that is loose from her hair and strokes her cheek. "she's okay Adelaide" Lucas whispers

"she could've died Lucas.." she reply feeling more sad than ever and crying into his chest as he pulls her closer into him. 18:00. Silence. Ada fell asleep in Lucas' arms and he lay his head on top of Ada as she nuzzles into his chest.

Angel in the daylight, I thank you but who are you?

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