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Delilah was the happiest she's ever been. He made her feel so special and took her out on cute little dates and also acted like a best friend to her. As Delilah sat at the little diner James took her to, Ada walked in with Lucas ad instantly saw Delilah and ran up to her table.

" oh my god, Delilah! are you on a date?"

" I am indeed, this is James, my boyfriend" she said as she fiddled with a strand of her hair

" hi, you must be Ada, Delilah has spoken a lot about you" He smiles sweetly

" aww, aren't you two a couple of softies" Ada teased.  James and Delilah shyly looked at each other and smiled.

" I just came here to get some food for me and Lucas, see you later"  Ada waved.

" a couple of softies"  James looked down and chuckled and in that instance Delilah knew that soft was only a cover up but, well, she was into it.

" What do you want to do after?" Delilah asked as she finished the last of her curly fries

" How about you come to my house? You haven't even seen my family yet!" He persuaded her
"You're right I haven't, then we shall leave right away" Delilah insisted

Moments after, James took Delilah to his house and as they walked through the door his friends were there to greet him! His face lit up in excitement and happiness and as he introduced each of them to Delilah she felt special too.
6pm. Delilah sat in his room after everyone had left. She looked at his frames and shelves and a notebook titled 'songs'.
"Song writer huh" she opened the book
"Uh yeah, they're really bad and also in Korean" he rubbed the back of his neck
"That's okay, I'm sure you still sound amazing!" Delilah comforted

James day next to Delilah as she flicked through pictures of him and his friends, his multiple hair colour changes and his family. Shyly, she smiled. James slid his hand over hers resting hand, immediately Delilah glanced at him.
"Have you ever felt love?" He asked her curiously.
"Depends what you mean.." Delilah teased
"I mean..." he grabbed her wrists gently and pinned them against the bed as he straddled above her " this.."
Delilah's hear was beating fast but in a good way.
The silence said it all. He laid soft kisses on her collarbones and up her neck gently nipping around the center of her neck. As he released her arms, his hands traced her thigh gripping it firmly. Delilah said nothing but breathed heavily. James stopped and looked at her looking lost.

" are you okay?" Delilah asked sitting up

" more than okay, Delilah" He was lost in Delilah's eyes before breaking that gaze and playfully tackling her to the bed as she let out a playful giggle, " but I need to confess something if you want this relationship to work out" 

They both sat opposite each other and as worried as Delilah was, James was petrified!

" Matthew set me up to exploit you ." He confessed, " honestly the second I saw you, you were not the type of girl who would mess around and cause chaos. Matthew was wrong! Really wrong because when we talked and you kissed me, it felt real! i never felt anything like that" He teared up feeling guilty of his actions. As he faced away from Delilah ashamed of what he did, Delilah softly gripped his wrists, leant in and gave him a hard kiss. Filled with sadness, love, rage, and forgiveness all in one action. James gave in and sunk into her, tears beginning to stream down his soft pale cheeks down to his red lips which interfered with their exchanging of love. The taste of salty tears and warm mouths are all that both of them could taste but inside it was all sweet.

" I'm happy you told me and confessed..." she pulled apart slightly, still close to his lips. She held the bottom of his jaw and he held he wrists softly as he smiles slightly, " now we just leave Matthew and he can learn his lesson himself." he nodded in reply to Delilah. 

Just being in each others arms was comforting. Delilah played with James' locks and he would trace her skin and when he stopped, he nuzzled into the crook of her arm and sooner or later, they both fell asleep to the sound of silence.

Adelaide and Lucas had a movie night that evening. She introduced him to her parents and they were absolutely delighted to have him around and treated him like their own so as they cuddled up on a sofa and her parents on the other watching a rom-com, they didn't wish for anything more than what they had. 

*6 months later*

 ... Today, at 6:55pm, there has been a fire at 70 Rosedale road however police are investigating the cause of this tragic incident...

*sirens wailing*

... Police have reported that it was a sabotaged gas leak  as the gas line had been damaged in a very peculiar way but the residents are no where to be found...

Ada sits shocked and speechless at the tragedy and as her fear struck face turned to Lucas with eyes flooded with tears, she let out a loud hurt sob. 'The residents are no where to be found'

...a witness account says there were 2 people in the household at the time and the parents had left earlier that day. The two people where teenagers. Descriptions of the teenagers were a raven haired teenage girl with tanned-toffee skin, below average height and a boy with dark hair and pale skin, medium to tall in height. if you see them please report to the Police department...

...Investigators say that there is no other evidence or trace of the two teenagers...

Ada and Lucas sat and watched.

A mile a part 

but no



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