Double dates

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As the week ended, Ada and Delilah were the happiest they've ever been. Lucas had been giving Ada unstoppable butterflies despite the fact they are dating, he always gave her nervous little butterflies. Matthew had been non-stop showering Delilah with loving kisses every opportunity he found whether it's when she's washing the dishes for her parents ( Also her parents approved of Matthew), When she is sad and lying in bed unmotivated with anything or even in public notwithstanding the fact that people would look at them.

People have been giving the sweet couples the deadliest looks? Was it their ex's? What was actually going on?

The 4 went to the coffee shop Lucas and Ada had properly met at and they all bought something to go because the boys had something planned for that evening. It was around 6pm and the sun had set and the sky became a grey-blue. The temperature had dropped really low and Delilah had just a scarf around her neck. Shivering, she walks closer to Matthew trying to obtain some warmth from him and without any questioning or stopping, Matthew pulled her into his side and embraced her to keep her warm as they walked with hot drinks in their hands towards the beach. The sky started to turn to a pitch black with the glittered sky watching down at the young lovers as they walked onto the cold sands of the beach.

" what are we doing in this ridiculous cold weather on the beach?" Ada questioned

" well what's more romantic than a double beach camping date!" Matthew replied for Lucas

" WHY DID YOU RUIN IT!" Lucas complained

" they were bound to know Lucas" Matthew laughed

Delilah's face lit up with love and joy and hugged him from the side tighter. They picked remote area of the beach that was sheltered by the cliffs and was like a little cove. Lucas and Matthew went and set up the tents and build a little fire; they were all prepared for this! As they finished setting everything up, they brought out the blankets to warm the girls and themselves up.

"this is so beautiful Matthew..." Delilah whispered to him as she lay on his warm chest

" it's about to get even better.." He whispered back. Delilah smiled to her self as she cosied up.

Lucas and Ada wondered off to a place so it was only them two so they could talk.

" so, what happened between you and your ex? Ada asked curiously

" oh, well she- are you sure you want to know?" Lucas asked

" yeah, I'm fine with it"

" well, her name was Keegan and well she was kind of obsessive and I didn't like that sort of treatment. I felt like I was being trapped and she was very controlling, so I broke up with her." Ada's heart drops as she heard what trauma he had gone through.

" oh, I'm sorry and I won't treat you like that. That must've been so horrible." Ada shivered as she replied to him. She moves closer to kiss him before he takes in charge and grabs her waist. Ada breathed in in shock before she let him take her under his control. He dominated over her and then he spoke.

"she never let me do the things I wanted because he absolutely hated it" he traced the top of her thigh making her wince in pleasure. His lips glided onto hers. So soft. So sweet. So delicate. His hands travelled up her body to her face the back down to her hand. As they were standing up, he held her hands to his chest and dominantly pushed her seductively to the wall.

" we're in public, maybe not now..." Ada's heart was beating faster than ever. Lucas respected her decision and kissed her again.

He was so powerful...

Matthew and Delilah sat and listened to the waves crash on the shore. Head on shoulder,  fingers intertwined, legs close together. It was perfect. 

" Matthew, why am I so interesting to you?" Delilah asked as she looked up at the moon that meditated over the gloomy (now blue from the moon's light) sands.

" well, you're sweet and my Ex, you don't mind me talking about her right?" He politely enquired 

" no, no, not at all" Delilah fiddled with the edge of the blanket 

" well Eliyah wasn't really that interested in me because she would talk to other people and stuff, it's not important..." He looked down, sad.

" it is Matt," She put her hand over his cold cheek " The past is the past,  you can talk to me about it" she continued 

" well, I found out she was only using me because of my 'pretty face' and to show people that she is in a relationship and people like her. As pathetic a it sounds, it's true" Matthew rolled his eyes.

Delilah said nothing. She looked up at him, taking her head off his shoulder and sat opposite him. She held his hands and kissed the icy skin and that's when his blue turned to an amaranth purple to an alizarin crimson. He looked into her bistre eyes and tackled her to the ground and straddled over her. He pinned her hands down to the grainy sand and kissed her hard in which Delilah enjoyed. As he parted from her they both looked at each other in completely awkwardness and began to giggle. Their love was pure.

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