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Delilah lay in the cold bed she was placed in with medical equipment around her. It all felt like a dream, a weird one. Heart monitors beeped in the distance, nurses walking around with their clipboards. Who admitted her to the hospital? It was painful. Her body ached, and her leg hurt. A nurse, young looking with long black hair tied into a pony tail walked in and checked on her.

" hi, is everything okay?" she asks in a sweet tone

" uh, yeah, how did I get here?" she asked confused

" I'm afraid I don't know.." she answered disappointingly

" can you get that information for me please" Delilah said desperate to know how she got there

" sure ma'am" she nodded her head and left.

The piercing sound of silence speared through Delilah's chest. She sees her phone that had been smashed slightly in the accident laying on the side table and she picked it up however, it had a note on it which had said " you are very welcome, I hope you are okay J". Delilah just wanted to know who this person was. The nurse comes back.

" there was a signature when you were admitted, I'm not sure if that is enough for you ma'am" Delilah took the sheet with the signature on it. She could just barely make it out.

M Evans

Delilah was confused with the initials because she didn't recognize them at first. The room felt almost... black. Cold darkness felt like it was lingering over her hospital bed. The colour of misery. Almost black- not grey, not white but a nearly black.

It had been a few days since the accident and Delilah had been dismissed from the hospital and she went home. Her mother didn't really speak to her the journey home because Delilah wasn't supposed to be out at that time she was, and she was ignored. Everything turned a dark red to nearly black. Her mouth her angered and frustrated and she had never been what Delilah wanted in a mother. However that isn't her choice to make. As they got to the door, Delilah's arm was in bandages and she couldn't use her right arm which was her good arm.

Delilah could finally go to school and she saw Ada and called out to get her attention but she thought he didn't hear her because she was with Lucas. So she tried to run to her but without knowing, she tripped over a branch that had broken off in a storm the night before. As she fell on her injured arm, she let out a whimper and as she did, she felt a two hands on her helping her up and sheltering her from the light shower of rain.

" I hope you're okay from that accident" A husky, silvery voice whispered to her. He smelt of sandalwood and black pepper. Her hands glided over to his hands which perched lightly on her shoulders and slowly put her hair behind her ear to see the person who had acknowledged her injury.

" Oh thank you, but I'm fi-" as she turned around completely, standing up and dusting her self off also noticing the graze on her knee, she froze. Her glossy hazel button eyes, converged with the boys lustrous green-blue eyes.

" How's your arm?" he asked again.

I dare you to smile again and I swear to god I will kiss you.

He lets his pearly white teeth free and takes a step closer to Delilah, her heart already beating out of her chest forcefully.

" yes thank you, someone admitted me to the hospital and I'm just so grateful." She looked down shyly, " If I had know or met this person, I wouldn't know what to do. I mean thank them"

He smiled and let out an innocent a little laugh. " well you are welcome Miss Delilah Blue" He shook his head to fix his hair and gave Delilah a little kiss on the forehead.

Delilah completely freaked out until the boy had finally said his name.

" Matthew Evans, I hope to hang out with you soon"

It was him. The angel in the pure daylight was standing right there, gave her a kiss and asked her to hang out some day.

The first day back from the hospital was just going well.

A mile apart and a beating heart.Where stories live. Discover now