What he promised

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Ada was still shocked from Lucas' 'ability' but she sure did enjoy it. A lot. After their double date the night before, they went home early In the morning to Lucas' house. it was the first time Ada ha gone to his house and she was obviously feeling nervous. As he unlocked the door, the waft of homely scents drifted past Ada's cool nose; the smell of freshly brewed coffee and new books. As she took her shoes off, she looked to her left and saw his beautiful living room. It was big and had a huge book shelf that covered at least half of the wall full of books and trinkets and photo frames. The kitchen was so clear and shiny and the marble countertops sparkled in the winter sunlight that shone through the sun window that was on the ceiling. 

" I'm going to take a shower because there is literally sand everywhere" Lucas expressed to Ada.

Fascinated, Ada turns to Lucas and nods her head willingly. " I think you might too, look at all that sand in your hair" Lucas proclaimed to Ada. 

"Ah, yeah but I didn't bring any spare clothes" She said in a questioned tone

" i'll go to yours and get you some " he smiled and kissed her cheek.

It had been at least an hour and Lucas took a quick shower and as he walked out, he grabbed his keys and headed for the door to go to mine. " I'll be back, everything is in the bathroom" He said. As Ada heard the door close, she walks into the bathroom.

The bathroom was all white. The bath was placed against the wall, placed in the middle to be exact. The countertops were marble and the mirror was large and had LED lights around the edges. The floor were tiled grey and was decorated with a white bath math which was fluffy. The bath had already been set up with bath bombs and sweet smelling shower gels. As she locked the door and stepped into the bath, she had already submerged herself into the citrus smelling water. Her body craved this warmth and as she relaxed to her favourite music, her mind pondered into a daydream. Around half an hour later, she finishes up and uses the towel that had been placed on the warm towel rack for her. As she was about to walk out of the bathroom, Lucas had already come back and left her clothes out for her on his bed.

" Feeling good?" he asked softly

" yeah! thank you so much" Ada replied

" don't worry, I'll leave the room for you to change"

how can someone so dominant and suggestive also be so soft and caring?

As she opens the door, he walks back in and they both sit on his bed. 

"you have such a lovely house" Ada proceeds to compliment his home

" thank you" he smiled back

" you know what happened yesterday? I kinda stopped you because we were, well somewhere not so private..." Ada reminded

" mhm.." He was definitely being suggestive again this time too " what, when I did this" he stood up and so did Ada

" umm, not quite-" but before she could finish what she was saying, he grabbed her waist and pulled her in hard, " how about now hmm" he whispered into her ear. This was what she talking about. 

His hands and lips knew the way around and Ada's heart was beating the same as yesterday. " and I'm sure you remember this-" he says tracing the top of the thighs, up the Side of her body and to her hands in which he had acclaimed in his. He seductively pushed her against his wall as softly kissed her neck. She let out soft moans as he continued to kiss his way up. He grabbed her leg and then lifted her and laid her down onto his silk bedsheets. Ada was certainly shocked at Lucas but she didn't want it to end. He ran his cold hands on Ada's body causing her to twist and to turn, in pleasure of course. He lowered himself down for her to taste his lips. Toxic yet so sweet and so addictive. Their Bodies collide with each others exchanging warmth. His weight presses down her making her let out a moan which was muffled by Lucas' mouth on her. Her legs wrapped around his body, his body between her legs. they were exchanging love through actions.

because actions speak louder than words.

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