"the sunset is pretty.."

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Delilah woke up that morning and got dressed. She walked downstairs to see her parents eating breakfast and confusion struck her. " what time is it?" She asked confused

" it's... 8am you went to sleep early last night darling" her mother informed her

"oh, right yeah.. well I'm going to go to this book shop later, whats left for breakfast" Delilah missed her parents sometimes. Her mother made her some toast with some eggs and also poured her a glass of freshly made orange juice. This morning was completely refreshing.

As her parents left for work, she wore her shoes and tied her hair into a quick ponytail and left the house with her satchel handbag with some money, her phone and keys. As she walked alone down the streets, she saw Matthew. He gave Delilah the most dirtiest look you could describe! She looked down and continued to walk, fighting back the tears. As she walked into the quaint bookshop, she was greeted by a friendly bright face. His hair was a soft blonde and was parted in the middle. He had welcoming eyes, a round squishy face. His smile was shy and through his smile he has a crooked tooth which was adorable. The boys lips were plump an a beautiful shade of pink.

" Hi, is this your first time here?" his voice was soft and sweet. As he held the door, Delilah walked in blushed and shy. She makes her way to a far corner seat away from every other person in the store. The bookstore had cafe and every wall had books on it that you could pick up and read. Delilah picked up a book that she always wanted to read; pride and prejudice. As she sits down on the sofa seat, the boy walks up to her with a hot drink in his hands.

" oh I didn't order a drink" she politely declined

" complimentary" her smiled sweetly "I'm James by the way" he introduced

"I'm Delilah"she smiled back. He placed the hot chocolate on the table and on a piece of tissue was a phone number. He gave her a smile from the counter.

Later that evening, Delilah messaged that number and she got an instant reply.

"Delilah: hey, it's Delilah from the bookshop/cafe place"

"James: hey! I thought you would never message me :D"

"Delilah: thank you for the drink today, you seem really lovely, hope we can meet up for a proper coffee :)"

"James:I'm free tomorrow after 4? hope we can meet up "

"Delilah: ah me too! see you at that bookshop tomorrow x"

Delilah has already met someone who is shy and reserved just like her. Th next day, the sun was shining despite the cold winds and low temperature. She walked to the cafe and waited in the same spot she was yesterday and not long after James walked through the door. He wore a white shirt and a black printed jacket, black ripped jeans with chain suspenders paired with his black high top vans. He had his earrings in; they were small hoops on his lower lobe and helix. He was gorgeous.

" hey!" he waved at Delilah giving her a cute little grin. Delilah waved back and gave him a smile

" hey! how are you" she asked

"I'm good how are you?" he replied back almost instantly.

"so where are you from?" she asked curiously

" I'm from South Korea, how about you" he asked

" I'm from some part of the south west of Asia, ahah" She said shyly

" Ah we have something in common!" He comforted her

The pair both talked and discovered so much in common. Delilah sipped on her mocha that she had ordered and James a strong dark coffee. Delilah couldn't help but think her now monochrome life has some warm hues entering it. They were careless about what other people thought about them as they laughed and bonded over many things that started to complete her, very slowly. As the evening ended, James payed for their drinks and escorted Delilah out. She felt a sort of worth in herself and they way James treated her also added to it. The aureate sun was lingering just above the horizon but she didn't want the evening to end.

" The sunset is really pretty" Delilah spoke in awe.

" She really is..." James in a loving tone. Delilah turned to face him and didn't say anything but smile. " do you want to go down to the beach so we can have a better look at the sunset?" he suggested. Delilah nodded her head whilst smiling stupidly.

The cold and grainy sands lay still, the cool air brushing past James' cheek, the last rays of light hit Delilah's cheeks causing a sort of glowing on her skin that James couldn't resist to look at. As the temperature dropped, Delilah felt colder and she rubbed her hands against her arms to warm her up before she felt a jacket being put over her shoulders. As she turned around, James smiled at her and without anything said, Delilah's soft yet chapped lips kissed his. The waves stopped crashing against the shore, the wind stopped beating the sands, the sun stopped just behind the horizon to watch the two share longing affection that they both lacked. As both stood in the middle of the beach still tasting each other so carefully, he pulls his jacket closer to him causing her to move too meanwhile her hands were close to his chest as his were holding her the bottom of her face. Warmth spread through them both like ink in water. As they pulled apart, they both smiled stupidly and looked at the ground shyly; this is the sort of relationship she wanted, the sort you get silly butterflies whenever you see them, talk to them or they're in your presence. The sort of relationship where they actually care about you and talk about you as well as them. The way they look at you like you're their entire world. This is what she wanted...

A mile apart and a beating heart.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat