The stars had crossed

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It's been 5 months and the growing feeling of love had been lingering for very long. Lingering; Like the scent of sweet vanilla in the summer. Ada sighed deeply and smiled again briefly down at her phone contemplating whether she should message Lucas or not as he was older and she was younger. As she looked down at her phone and walked blindly, she softly collided with someone. He smelt strongly of sweet cinnamon and spiced apples and his skin was so soft. Their hands touched. Her heart was beating out of her chest. Her head spun and she looked up at the tall figure standing in front of her.
"I'm sorry love, didn't mean to scare you" he said in a deep but soft tone that made Ada's heart flutter
"I- it's- um-I" Ada's face went flustered and she felt like she was about to panic. The boy put his hands on her shoulder to relax her.
They were face to face and the boy began to speak.

"Hey hey, don't worry it's okay. You didn't do anything wrong." His voice could cure the world.
"Sorry I wasn't looking where I was going" she puts her head down and bites her lip violently

"Hey, it's okay. I'm Lucas and don't worry I know you from Instagram" his lip curled in such a sweet yet seductive way all Ada wanted to do was kiss them.
He tilted his head back and shook his head to fix his hair and smiled and waved at Ada.

I know you from instagram.

"He knows I exist.." she tells her self

She finally found the courage to message him so she started off by saying hi:



Hi! You're the girl I bumped into today right?

Aha yeah! You can call me Ada

How are you? You good?

Yeah! Great thank you. I just wanted to thank you for comforting me and stuff. Well not comforting but you know

Anytime love 💕

"He used the heart emoji" Ada thought to herself

I just wanted to ask if you wanted to hang out sometime? I mean you don't have to buy if you want to?

You know what, that sound absolutely brilliant Ada. How about next Monday at 4 at the cafe just around the corner?

Sounds good to me Lucas :) see you there

See you there Ada 💕


Ada was smiling. She was smiling so hard that she squealed and had to immediately text Delilah and talking about Delilah there hasn't been any sign of her for a while. Instead of messaging her, she called her. The phone rang. And rang. And rang. No sign of activity. Ada just left a couple of messages so she would come back to her. Ada began to think about what she'd wear on Monday and she immediately jumped from her bed into her closet and started picking out something to wear. Hours and hours went by until she got an outfit sorted out. By the time Monday cake she was ready but still no sign of Delilah.

She picked out a pair of light wash mom jeans, a black rose t-shirt, her black converse and her green shirt over the top. Her hair was done in a half up half down; as her hair was short it was very was flattering on her. She wore her gold circle glasses and wore the bracelet Delilah gave to her for her birthday  and took her little satchel bag her mum had given her. She walked for 10 minutes to get to the cafe and opened the door. As it jingled, a bright face lightened the dark surroundings.
"Ada! You're here" Lucas welcomes her
" yeah I am, I thought this was going to go horribly wrong" she says as she tightens her hair
"And why is that?" Lucas says walking to the far corner seat he had chosen for them
" past experiences? Yeah past experiences"
"Ah ok, so what do you want? My favourite thing here is the dark chocolate mocha with extra dark chocolate" his smile could cure the world.

"Umm, I think I'll just get a mint mocha" she smiles and sits down.
He was a fidgeter. His legs would bob up and down constantly like he was, well, nervous and his uneven dimples were just perfect on him.

"So tell me a bit about you Ada" he breaks the small awkward silence
"Well my mum wants me to be some type of author but I think my best friend, Delilah is the one for that but I'm still studying English"

Lucas tilts his head and squints his eyes a bit. "Why? You shouldn't do things just because people say your supposed to or because they want you to. What do YOU want to be?"
Ada breathes. She's nervous. "I want to be an artist"

"Then BE an artist! You are more than capable to be what you desire." His hand is on top of Ada's and all she can do is eye it.

"What do you want to be?" Ada asks in a softer tone

" I wanted to be a musician but now I want to be an author or a poet"

"Just like Delilah.." Ada remembers that Delilah hadn't messaged back and was starting to get worried. She tried not to let it bother her, she'll come back. At the end of this day Ada has become closer to Lucas and they are good friends. Lucas seems to give her looks that she had never gotten before and it gave her butterflies.

The stars have crossed but the constellation isn't complete.

A mile apart and a beating heart.Where stories live. Discover now