Intermission #2

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Hey guys you may have noticed a few significant changes (or not if you're new). I have decided to rebrand the book. This means that I am changing the title of the book and the cover into something I believe would attract more readers and represent the meaning of the book better. As well as changing the synopsis.

One of the things I'd like to address is the title. Technically the book series (if I make a sequel) is titled The Xavier Institute for Higher Learning, so I thought it would make more sense to title this book something more specific to what goes on in this book.

Also I am so happy with the amount of positive feedback I'm getting with this book. I didn't think people would care so much, but even the one reader increase I see makes my day. So that has inspired me to make this change and I hope this helps to keep those readers more engaged as well as bring new readers as well.

Thanks so much guys! And as a kind of rebranding present here's two more chapters (I'm really excited about them).

Hope you enjoy DOE (or DOTE).

Merry Christmas,

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