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Chapter 30: Naughty Nice and Angry.

"Are you happy... that you've gotten what you've always wanted?"

Waheeda sat up and folded her legs on the bed. "I should be. I mean I am spending another night at home. I had iftar and 2 sahurs with them and I watched them being boring and annoying all day. Its what I've been longing for but why am I not that excited about it?"

"You're not? Even throwing a tantrum about how much you want to go home?" Abdulmajeed walked to the frigde and got himself a bottle of water.

"I was very happy yesterday I was honestly over the moon to be home again, but today I just want to go home." 

"Home?" He asked carefully.

"Yes. Home. My home. Our home. The home I share with you."

"My God. This is why I am being punished. You almost made my heart stop."

Waheeda giggled. "I miss your drama."

"I miss your everything."

They both confessed.

"Did you recite Suratul Kahf today?" He asked his wife.

"I did. Since in the morning. You?"

"I totally forgot. I just remembered. "
"Okay recite it before you sleep."

"In sha Allah sweetheart."

They spoke for a few more minutes before they called it a night.


On Sunday Waheeda was up and about since morning while everyone was sleeping. She was so lazy the previous day and did only little work for the iftar meal. But today before anyone was awake, all possible cold drink she could make were in the frigde cooling.

She bossed everyone around when they started preparing for iftar. Haneefa and Habiba had to report her to their mom.

"Ke Waheeda stop bossing my children around. If you want everything to be done your way go and have your kids and do whatever you want to do with them in your house not mine " Mummy scolded her when she got tired of watching what her daughter was doing just because her husband was coming back home.

At around four in the evening, Waheeda spoke with Abdulmajeed and he confirmed he would be home in about an hour and half.

When it was six o clock and A.majeed still didn't show up, Waheeda started to get worried especially because his phone wasn't going through. She could not sit in one place. The longer she waited the more nervous she got. After breaking her fast with a date, she prayed Magrib and went to stand outside the gate to wait for him like standing there would make him come any sooner.

She has never been this worried about a person's return. Not even when her mother unusually stayed over time at work or when her father and Suraj had had a minor rubbery attack on their way back from Yola and were late for over 4 hours.

She kept trying his line as she waited outside while everyone else had their Iftar in the parlor. She got tired of standing out for over thirty minutes and decided to wait inside.
As she walked in on her family eating and laughing she got pissed.

"You guys are so heartless. How can you not even mind that my husband is still not reachable or atleast mind the fact that your sister is worried to the bricks."

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