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Hehehehehue A huge thank you for 100 reads! I really appreciated it.(≧▽≦)



"The hell?! I'm a country?!No way...."

You said in disbelief as you listen to Nirvana.Crossing your arms over to your chest.

It's true my dear.

"Please call me by my real name. I'm sick and tired of all the nicknames that I heard before."

You cluthed the bedsheets feeling mad and yet you feel about to cry.Yeah you're happy but your mind stoping it ,confusion and feeling emberrassed.

Don't worry about it (y/n),you escaped from them,to your life!You need to face the new one.And this is it, your new life as a personification of your country.

Yeah Nirvana had that point but when do you get start?You knew them,and your dream come true so you guess this would be the second chance.

"O-okay I understand you but how do I get start?"

Oh blimey!Good job (y/n)!But during meetings you will called as (c/n) it's just for business 'kay? Aaaaand you'll get started with the help of my boys and mein Hungary! *whistles* BOYS COME INSIDE~

And with that said, fourteen men entered the room with their smile and flustered faces seeing you looking at them.You just smiled and slightly wave at them,making the others was eagerly to introduce to you especially the Awesome Trio.Who like a group of hungry wolves when they're coming over to you.

"Hallo mein liebe!mein name is zhe awesome Prussia!Gilbert Beildschmith!" (^.^)/~~~

"Hello duddete!the hero is here!US of A! AMERICA AT YOUR SERVICE and you will be my sidekick to  kick the butts of each criminal in the world!"(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧

"My name is Matthias Køhler and I AM THE KING OF SCANDINAVIA *chokes*" (;^ω^)

Oh-these guys is aggressive (°ー°〃)

You take their hands one by one to shake it and greet them like you didn't know them.

"It's nice to see you three,my name is (y/n) (l/n)."

You introduce yourself to them and make a peace sign to look you even cuter.And Japan captured it.

"*fake cough* It's nice to meet you love,I might introduce myself to you.My name-"

England was about to continue but you shush him,you giggled and look over at Nirvana who just shine above the room.

"I'm just joking,I know all of you! Thanks to Nirvana."

A hand patted your head,it was Nirvana.Her hand glows above your head.

Since you didn't meet your boss,maybe you can live with one of my boys! *Laughs evilly*

Hungary must be smirking widely,those two was planning something. It made the countries went crazy.

"Uuuhhhhhh...... What?"

You knew it,it was the typical Hetalia x reader that you always read.You will choose on one of them to live with and have some fun.What a cliche.

But you have an idea.

"Wait a minute guys,I will come each one of you if I will get your stuff in the box.So could you please kindly place some miscellaneous things inside the box there?"

You said kindly,Nirvana and Hungary was shocked but soon the two smirked.

"That's a good idea huh."

All the countries placed their stuff in a box that popped out of nowhere.Once they are done,Hungary placed the box on your bed.

You put your hand inside,feeling those stuffs inside.There's something sharp,soft,hairy etc. When you choose a right thing you pull it out and..........

It was a keychain........not just a keychain......





You held out the item and you look over to the Brit with bushy and sassy eyebrows.England was surprised when you got his item.

But the others felt jealousy over the 23 year old british man.And you think of it,Is he really a pervert that I usually read about him?

Britain blushed for moment before taking the keychain,making your hand brushed against his.It made a little static to you with matching butterflies in your stomach.

Without knowing,England felt that too,he looked away just not to show his blushing face to you.

"S-so I guess I-I will take you home later love..."

Being a dirty minded you are,you think that he will take your virginity later.BY EMPHASISING THE WORD TAKE .

"W-wait guys,how about we plan a homecoming party for (y/n)?"

America suggested and most of them agreed but you shook your head in disagreement.

"Nein-eh I mean no,you have to do that for me."

Uh oh (y/n) was speaking in German.It was author-chan! Not me!

(“hey!STFU MAN!And don't break the fourth wall Nirvana!Or else I will tell to Korea that you didn't own your boobs!”)


(“So be quiet!!!”)

(Meanwhile in my mind:

"Hey Nirvana.....who are you talking to?"

Prussia asked the goddess above them who where whining about talking to someone.Making you to look above with confusion in your eyes.

No it's just a rat.hehehehe

All of them look at each other before deciding to fill the room with silnce.

"*cough**cough*we let decide her what to do.Not that you're forcing her to party."

England break the silence when you were out of your self.Sighing in relief,you rested your head to the pillow and think;

A new life huh.

Equally In Love (Hetalia x Genius Reader)Where stories live. Discover now