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"So tell me......"

"Do you love me?"


"Absolutely yes, I love you so much."

"Really?I love you too (y/n)."


*Sigh* Men's fantasies,always so far from reality.Of course Arthur have it.

Really, he likes you and also he fell in love to you.Yeah he just always think/dreaming that you love him because he was afraid that you will not love him back.

You're 16 and he's 23, age doesn't matter right?He have been so much careful to you throughout these days, when you leave the Vatican city a few weeks ago.

And over protecting you just in case that (cp/n) come back to hurt you.

Sometimes his pirate personality kicks in, becoming sort of dirty minded and seductive but he never shows it to you.

Even he got a boner when you're wearing skirts and cute outfits, he just dealing with it inside the bathroom and come out like nothing happened.

And you know that.But you just got have no feeling about him right now.So you just shrugging it off even though a hot British man was jerking off over your imaginary body.

He's really good at hiding but not on lying.yeah a bad liar.

Yeah you also know it.But you just got stick to your plan.

He annoys the most was his comrades, BTT were always bringing you somewhere to have lunch or dinner even you're feeling uncomfortable being with the three.

While on America yeah it seems he and his brother were having a contest and the winning price is you.

On the Axis,on Nordics ,on Ivan and Yao, it was okay but he was always leave behind.

Oh how would he confess to you if there's so much obstacles for him to get you?


"Good morning."

(Y/n) said, walking down the hallway to the dining area, greeting the Brit who were reading a newspaper while sipping a cup of earl grey tea.

She was wearing oversized 'The Beatles' shirt and short shorts that Arthur owns, because (y/n) don't have enough PJ's.

Just the undergarments and formal attire that (y/n) brought for herself.

Since the shirt was oversized, it always sliding down to her shoulders, revealing that (f/c) lace bra.

Arthur tried so hard not to look at it but his pirate self was kicking inside his mind.

"Hey.... England! Earth to Iggy!hey Snap out of your thoughts!"

(Y/n) snapped her fingers in front of Arthur's face until he woke up in his daydream.

His eyes widened when he realised that (y/n) was hovering over him,making him to looked away blushing, feeling his crotch area were getting painful due to tightness.Because he clearly see those boobs under (y/n)'s shirt.

Thank God that he was not like Kiku who having major nosebleeds.

(Y/n) just sighed and came back to her seat across the table, she grabbed a tea cup and pour it some tea.

While Arthur was a mess, his face were so red so he excused himself to go to the bathroom, locking it for sure.

Leaving (y/n) sitting in the dining area in silence, listening carefully to those noticeable moans and grunts of the Brit inside the bathroom.

Equally In Love (Hetalia x Genius Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang