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Alliance between 2ps and A 1p

~(cp/n)'s POV~


"Where am I?"

I don't know but,I bring back my body.My pale (h/c) hair,that curvy body and dark/pale (e/c) color.

I looked around but I found nothing.I just can see myself in a huge mirror and I know there are some 'people' watching me behind that mirror.

Then someone entered the room,Luciano.

"So the rumours are true, you came back (cp/n)."

Smirking,I just watched him to flip his knife.This guy, I never seen him after the Anglo-Spanish war.

"Yeah I came back here to revenge."

When I said that, I swear I saw him smiled widely.He never changed you know.I got negotiated with them secretly when I was alive and still a country.

Then Oliver,Allen,Matt,Francois,Viktor,Zao,Kuro and Lutz entered the room.'So we have a 2p party right here huh' I thought,then the fucking Allies looked at me in disgust except Francois who just being an ass the whole time.

"Oh!~what do we have here!A 1p became a normal human being and now sending some help to the 2ps just to get some sweet sweet revenge?"

This freak.

"What the fuck did you say to me!?you cupcake freak!"

Oliver gave me that annoying insult in my face with that twisted grin of his,I was about to grab him by the collar but Allen dragged me away from Oliver.

I groaned and some of them just let out a loud laugh making me to boiled up in anger these maggots was messing with me huh!?

I let out a loud groan and that demonic powers of mine,to my surprise I just looked at their surprised expression same as me.They flew out of their place like a typhoon hit them.

Oh my fucking shittyness.

My magic powers came back but I'm not an immortal anymore.

When all came back to normal,I sat down in a chair with my legs crossed.

"So do you want to negotiate with us?we have the same goal you know."

I looked at Luciano in a straight face,yeah we have that same goal.And maybe I can use these maggots when I get my throne back to me.

"So how we will do it?"

He plays his knife and throwing it on my face but I quickly grabbed it by my fingers before it stuck on my skin.

"Kill the 1ps so you can get what you want.Even it was the man you loved,kill him with no regrets.Also get the throne of the earth goddess,that was the most important.Since you are mortal,you are the one who allowed to across the 1p world, it's easy to trick them so it's just a piece of cake for you.And find the key to open the lock of the portal between this world and the world of 1ps."

"And don't worry about (y/n),she is belong to the 2ps so she will get along with us,right old man?"

"Yes,we will make a plan to get her here in this world so she will not bother your plans.She is belong to the 2ps after all."

"Since,jou are her 1p.Jou can kidnap her and bring her here in zhis vorld so she can't able to back in 1p vorld.And also jou can pretend zhat jou are (y/n)  so zhey vill pass zhe throne to jou being zhe earth goddess."

"Now you speak with furr of knowredge."


Now, I looked down.My pale (h/c) covering my face.Then I sniffle, trying hard not to laugh. Greediness invades me and it makes me feel more thirsty to blood,war and agony. Forgetting that I loved someone.

He didn't loved me right now so fuck that.

I looked up and laughed as loud as I can, I'm a psychopath. I'm twisted.Not much as my 2p.

"Whatever I do,I will make them to suffer just for my pleasure."

Dun dun dun dun.......


You gasped in shock when you woke up in your dream(I mean nightmare×_×).Still, you are with the magic Trio in the air plane.

The lights off and only the night lights was giving you to see in the dark.The airplane was private so there's no flight attendant was around.

Arthur was sleeping besides your seat while Norway and Romania was sleeping on the other side.It was so quiet tho so it was like hella scary.

The hallway was empty and dark,also on the outside it was dark too but the half crescent moon was the only light shines the whole time.

You sighed and lay back to your seat,trying to get back to sleep but you can't for some reason.

Shit, what's up with them!? They've been acting so weird!I know there's something happened and they didn't want me to know it.I hope mint bunny was here.

Frowning,you looked anywhere for some stuff you can do.

And exactly there are some papers and magazine in front of your seat.You pulled it out and find some pen but there are some in Arthur's trouser Pocket.

Is that the pen he used to draw his eyebrows!?

(Hey,did you remember that pen when Iggy was teaching Kiku about English literature?I can't stop laughing right nowwww)

You tried hard not to laugh when you remember a meme you read a long time ago.

When you recovered to your laughter,you carefully pulled out the pen to use it.Aaaaand thankfully Arthur didn't woke up.

You opened the magazine and started to make funny doodles on some pictures just to make yourself happy from all of the stress and events happened to you.

Also you draw some anime characters to the extra papers,and making some 'vandalism' to the magazines that you found out so funny because you draw some curls and thick eyebrows on some model images on it.Just to add some Hetalia references on it.

Without knowing,you slowly fell asleep with a magazine above your face.


(This chapter was a draft,I just edited this when I get back from somewhere)

Before I publish this chapter I experienced the most horrible thing happened to me.And I don't know how to do,my head felt so dizzy right now and my hands were trembling as hell. really.I can't easily breath right now so I need oxygen tank.

₍₍ (ง ˙ω˙)ว ⁾⁾

Sorry about my drama, so have a great day reader-chan.

😘 🇪🇸 🇩🇪

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