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"This is all my fault!"

Nirvana cried as she saw (y/n) on the morgue.Yeah she's dead.

Her heart just exploded like someone squeezed on it.(Ew)


Alfred slammed the tiled walls making it to break, the other countries just can't take the moment that she's dead already.


The Italian mumbled under his breath, tears fell down on his cheeks as he caressed (y/n)'s cold hand.

But Arthur was the most devastated, why did this actually happened to her? Her heart suddenly exploded.

"I don't know but maybe (cp/n) did this."

Suddenly the whole room became silent when Nirvana spoke.


Yao said confusedly, the countries looked at the earth goddess, deadly serious.

"(Y/n) was dead, and (cp/n) will die too.But that 1p is not stupid enough to kill herself so I think she made a sort of spell, she's still alive, I feel it."


"Oi, wake up (c/n)."

A deep voice of a girl wake you up, you opened your eyes to see the blue sky and the girl hovering over you.

"Let's go."

The girl said in a monotone voice, you sat up and looked around there's nothing to be found.Just the clouds and blue sky above.The floor was like a mirror reflecting the sky.

You looked at the girl, confused. She had dark brown hair,weird shape of eyebrows and those sharp gaze of her copper brown eyes.

The girl was wearing button up shirt,bow, black skirt and tailcoat with black knee high string boots.Also she's holding a scythe.

A grim reaper.You thought as she looked at you with that blank face.

"What are you looking at? Let's go! I will bring you to St.Peter so you will be judge if you're suited to go to heaven or hell.And I prefer to be called angel of death instead of grim reaper."

And with that she started to walk and you just followed, the girl looks like bored in her life, she swing her weapon and bringing it back to her shoulders, locking her arms on to hold it in place.

"So what's your name by the way?"

The girl stopped and whipped around to see you, she looked at you with that signature blank face.

"M' name is Kim Hermann, happy?"

She said in a rude tone and she continued to walk.You set in your mind that you're dead.But there's one thing that always bothering you.

Heart beats?

And there's only one man you always think.

(Your Hetalia crush ;3)

You were always think that you're just horny that's why you always think of him.

And a brick of realization hits you.

You loved him!

That's love!

How stupid of you that you became cold to him.

You mentally slapped yourself and just accept that you will never bring the times back with the countries.

Equally In Love (Hetalia x Genius Reader)Where stories live. Discover now