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There so many typhograpic errors in this book so correct yourself while reading this.

Also it's Valentine's day!So I will put some fluff in this chapter (maybe?or a HUGE revelation) share some love in other way!

Pls. Let me know if you'll be wearing black clothes during Valentine's day. Because being single is like you're giving yourself all of your time and love.OKAY CALL ME BITTER BUT AT LEAST I AM NOT WASTING MY MONEY TO A WORTHLESS RELATIONSHIP.

(Tomorrow it's my semi final exams so I will update this chapter immediately.)

Aw shit.

(Y/n) cursed in her mind when England asked her.She was nervous about the food.Maybe it was too bad or poisonous.

She shook her head aggressively before looking away for distraction to the Brit.And right timing,she clearly see the handwritten sign in a huge old oak door not so far away from the kitchen.

"Hey Arthur,what was that room right there?"

She pointed to the mysterious door to change the topic.You know,she is such a questionable girl.

"It's just a library that I didn't used for years."

(Y/n) just nodded and looked around the kitchen.She clearly see the burn marks on the frying pans and wall.Now,she knew that there will be a disaster if England will cook for her.

But her stomach growled so England eyed her like; you're-hungry look.

"Okay I'm hungry,would you mind if I roam around the house?Just admiring the French architecture."

She winked at England who jolted at his position.(y/n) knew that in the mid 11th century,the king of England loves French culture.

She make her way to the living room without knowing of England. She slipped inside of a study room,having struggle on the wheelchair.

Since she's a book lover, she roamed around the room filled with old books and new ones.

But a set of three books caught her attention.

Fifty Shades of Grey

Fifty Shades Darker

And Fifty Shades of Freed.

(Y/n) just wanted to laugh with her ass off when she see that,all she think that England might addicted to R-18 entertainment.secretly.

She knew that the brit has that weird fetishes or comnonly a pervert than France but he never shows it.

She hide the first volume behind her seat and proceeded to find anything which catches her inerest.

When she roam around, she saw the office table facing the window.She wheeled on the way there to see something but she stopped when she saw mint bunny.

"Oh Mint bunny!"

She hug the bunny to death when it approaches to her.The bunny just giggled at her action.

"I missed you (y/n)!"

"But we just not see each other a few hours ago!"

Both of them giggled like high school girls before making their way to the huge balcony in the house where the garden are filled with roses.

Maybe England secretly likes France.OMFG FRUUKK.

(Y/n) fangirled in her mind whilst her hands on her cheeks,leaving Mint Bunny looking at her like what-the-fuck-are-you-doing.

When she recovered she look at flying mint bunny before holding the creature tightly on her arms.

"Tell me Mint Bunny,why do you need to find me?"

It took for a minute before mint bunny to answer her question.The bunny must be worried based on it's eyes.

"I just want to see you if you hadn't become a total 2p.Same as Mr.Troll,All of us planned it,even Kuma and Chocolate bunny."

To (y/n)'s shock she twitched on her seat.

"W-what do you mean?"

She asked while her inside self was shuddering at the sudden answer of the creature.

"You're the long lost counterpart of (c/n),a country that almost destroy the world.The 1p (c/n) was a ruthless creature and Nirvana blamed herself for that.So she permanently erased all of the horrible memories that (c/n) created from the countries and she just pretend that you're a new country because she planned that she should get the 2p of (c/n) as an exchange to the real one before she dies."

She was pressured through all of the information she had.So she is the second player of (c/n).Not a real one.

"But what happened to the real me?"

"Nirvana killed her,she can't take the suffering of her children so she erased her from the map.But she quickly get it back when you were born."

Now her mind crumbled up to this pressure and plot twist of this story.

"Nirvana get you because she want her children to be complete in a peaceful way before she die.And she realized that the 2ps wasn't a mistake and it was because of you.Her BIG mistake was your first player.It leave a scar when she killed (c/n) but she have to do it because she knew that there's a way to relieve her pain.a new hope that will save the world and she was from the second players,it was you (y/n).and you will be the new earth keep the world of first players and second players in peace."

(Y/n) just looked down on the floor and think.

So I am just an exchange of my first player?okay I understand it but can I handle that?

She looked at mint bunny in the eye who just like a limp when the creature sat over the coffee table.

"Thanks for that mint bunny,but I have one thing to request for you."

She clasped her hands onto the tiny handsof mind bunny whilst massaging it comfortably.

"And what kind of request?"

(Y/n) gave the creature a ressuring smile before answering.

"Help me to become like Nirvana wants so before she leaves this world she will see the 'peaceful ending'."

Without knowing,England heard all of it.

Equally In Love (Hetalia x Genius Reader)Where stories live. Discover now