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Hi everyone!

We are currently hiring!

In order to make this club a success, we will be needing your help!

In order to make this club a success, we will be needing your help!

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What type of team members are we are looking for?

- Someone who is available to help others when they have questions.

- Someone who has a positive attitude and great personality.

- Someone with an open mind and great ideas.

- Someone who is willing to work with AprilFitts

*** Communication is important! ***

Does this sound like something you are interested in?

Please check out what we have to offer below. If you don't see what you are looking for, please don't hesitate in asking! I will be updating with more positions as our group grows!

Communication Specialist:[Closed]

A communication specialist will help with the app of their choice to get the reminders, contests notification, and spreading the word to others as needed.

Checker: [Closed]

- A checker is someone who will be looking to make sure the task is completed.

- The person will be checking each story before the next assignment and contacting one of us.

This way we can give proper credit.

Beta Reader:

- A Beta Reader will have the task of reading an extra chapter of their choice that was not selected for the week. (2 chapters in total)

- The Beta Reader need to specify which book he's reading as a Beta Reader. 

- We recommend that he reads as member more than as a Beta Reader to have a more positive outcome.

- This is an important role. The beta reader will be leaving a three-lined positive comment to the chapter.

Taking your time to do this will add bonus points to your rewards!!

Activity Coordinator:

This person will create an approved weekly game, riddle, or challenge of their choice.

It has to be presented and agreed upon by and/or by the due date.


A writer will suggest to the president book ideas for reading contest.

- The president must approve the idea.

- Books that are approved can be posted on their profile but must be tagged from for credit.

- If the book is not approved, the author can still, of course, continue with their magnificent ideas, but the book will NOT be a part of the contest. The book, however, can be switched as the book to be read by members in the BOOKSHELF chapter. (BOOKSHELF will be released soon!)

- Anyone in the club, including the president and vice president, can enter, but they must be judged fairly by another member.


That's all for now!

*** The form will be in the next chapter!! ***

*** The form will be in the next chapter!! ***

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