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This has taken a long time and is very, very underwhelming.


We walked up to the door and Connor pressed the doorbell lightly. I jumped slightly as a short woman in a pencil skirt opened the door.

"Ah, hello. You must be Mr and Mr Murphy-Hansen. Michael is just through here."

"Yeah. We'd love to meet him before we sign any paperwork though."

"No problem."

She knocked on the door and pushed it open, "Michael, there are some lovely people here to meet you~"

"D'accord, Madame West."

"Sorry, he seems to be speaking French today- he often doesn't speak to many people and when he does it's never in English. It's because of- well- his previous home. His family weren't the nicest people."

She let us through, shutting the door behind us and revealing a little boy in an extremely oversized red sweatshirt on a small bed, swinging his legs lightly. The room was bare, it looked like he hardly owned a thing- this poor little boy's only 5, he must have been through so much.

"Hello Michael." Connor stepped forwards and crouched down infront of him.

"Salut monsieur."

"Tu parle français?"

"Certains mais je ne suis pas très bon."

I've lived with Connor for over 5 years and I still don't know what they're saying. They kept talking, I heard my name a couple of times. Connor started laughing, grabbing some nail polish from his pocket and painting Michael's nails red.

"So then I told him 'you don't have a daddy I'll be your-"

"CONNOR THAT IS NOT APPROPRIATE!" My face went red and I hid myself slightly in a corner. I remember that night well. So gentle, so-

"Evan, you okay there?".

"Me? Oh yeah, I'm fine. Dandy. Jazzy. Amazing- aheheh heh. Oh."

"Come and sit down then." He pulled some blue nail polish out of his pocket.

"Um- I-"

"What is it, Mikes?"

"Ca-can I call you Dad?"

"Sure Mikey!" I could see Connor going slightly misty eyed. It warmed my heart so much. My boys.

He turned to me, "And can I call you Papa?"

I felt Connor go stiff next to me, So I leaned over and grabbed his hand, "It's alright Connor. He won't come back for you."

He seemed to ease slightly at this, Michael looked confused, "I'm sorry. Did I say something wrong? I'm so sorry, I-"

"No Michael, no. It's just- That word has some- some history. It's not really too nice."

"Ho-how about Pa then?" I looked at Connor and he nodded.

"Okay Michael. We just need to go sign some forms, get your stuff together and you can come home with us!"


"Only if you want to!"

"Yesyesyesyesyes! I mean- yes please."

Connor dragged me outside as we waved to Michael.

"Did we just-" "We did just." "I can't believe-" "I know."

"Hello again. Do you want to sign some forms now or-?"

"Yes please. He's such a good kid."

And he is. Our kid. Our boy. My boy.

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