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Little thing you can skip if you want- chapter starts a while down.

Today is a monumental day in music's history.

Today, we celebrate a band who shaped genres and lit the pathway for so many inspiring musicians.

They have saved countless lives and will no doubt save many more.

If there's one thing I learnt from them it was to always be yourself, to not care who judges you. They were hated for being a 'suicide cult' but they were the opposite and didn't care who thought that. The way they dressed, the way they played, the way they acted.

So, today, March 22nd, should not be viewed as the day music died but the day music lived. The day we lost a battle but fought on to win the war. And we will fight. We will love and we will lose and we will fight.

So this is not goodbye, this is three cheers.

Three cheers to Mikey, Gerard, Frank and Ray.

Au revoir My Chemical Romance. So long and goodnight.


Another day another music lesson. Mr Murphy was in front of the class, Mr Hansen overseeing in the corner.

When someone had to oversee my Dads' lessons they only did eachothers. It's like they couldn't bear to be apart. Sweet right.

And yet they don't notice. Jeremy hasn't spoken to me in over a month! He's started wearing Eminem shirts! He doesn't even like Eminem. I saw him mourning him, crying like I do for him. Squip trick, I bet.

Then, because it's compulsory by now, Ms Reynolds burst in, "hm? Oh sweetie, I thought I was taking this lesson."

"Yeah, okay, you can after I've finished talking about the use of minors in music." Mr Murphy grunted, that woman just can't take a hint.

"Well, okay." she said, spotting Mr Hansen in the corner, who waved sarcastically, "I'll go fix the display over there." she pointed to a piece of border that had come off of the large pinboard filled with old student's work.

Mr Murphy nodded silently and she reached into her bag. I haven't seen that stuff in a long time.

I could do nothing but sit there and watch. I heard the class recoil and gasp almost in unison and Mr Murphy froze up in the corner next to the piano with glazed over eyes. His arms were over his chest and he stared in horror.

I've never known what it is with Dad and tape but it's pretty clear they don't mix. One year some kid stuck some on his hand and he had to leave the class. Came back the next day with bandges on his hand.

People said he was allergic but allergies don't bleed like that.

Pa must have noticed the sudden quiet and looked up from his clipboard. You could gage the exact moment his eyes met with the tape. Eyes widened, he stood straight up, walking quickly but nervously to Ms Reynolds, "This doesn't have any place here."

"What? What did I do?" she looked around confused.

"Just put it down."


Mr Hansen grabbed the tape from her hand. I've never noticed quite how good his throw is. He launched it out the window whispering 'sorry mother nature.' under his breath.


Mariah was just standing there looking confused. I walked quickly over to Connor, grabbing his sharp nails away from his arm.


"Shh- It's okay. Look at me. It's okay. Ms Reynolds, take the rest of the lesson. Connie come on, let's get you fixed up." And with that, I dragged him out of the room.

I know that the class was 'awe'ing behind us but I couldn't care less. I got him to the staff room, which was empty because it was either class for them or they were enjoying the nice weather outside.

I sat him down and started to boil the kettle. Warm beverages usually calm him. When I glanced back over to him I noticed his nails on his wrist.

I ran over quickly, "Hey. Honey. Shh. It's okay." He was crying, staring at me like I was someoene else.

"N-no. Please. Papa. Angel." He sounded so broken.

He was whimpering, so I did something really irrational. I kissed him. Slowly, he latched on to my back tightly as if he was afraid to let go.

The kettle boiled loudly but I could have sworn I heard a camera shutter.

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