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I'm tired, It's late and I have school tomorrow.
Sorry it's been so long but I wanted the Holiday's off.
I'll get the next one up asap.


Freshman year and I don't have a girlfriend or a clue.

Well I can probably explain the girlfriend one. I am 100% hella gay.

Correction- I am 100% hella gay for a certain boy who goes by the name of Jeremy Heere.

Jeremy still practically drools over Christine but I've learned to live with it.

I might just be doomed to be soulmateless but I'll be honest, I'm fine with just seeing red and blue. That means I get to see his eyes.

He's gotten me a couple patches to put on my hoodie. He must have noticed the little heart I have on my chest. My Mom sewed it onto my red sweatshirt before she went away. I'm kind of glad though because she threw me down the stairs once. Yeah, she had bipolar, ended up killing my Dad because he hit me. It was my own fault, I wasn't being quiet.

He got me a player one patch for my arm, a pacman one and then, when I told him I was gay, he got me a pride flag.

I'm like a boy scout for my Jerebear. That sounded way kinkier that it was meant to.

I love my Dads, okay, but having them as teachers? Kill me.

There are all sorts of rumours around school that I'm a teacher's kid. I was brought up as just Dad's son for school social events but people have actually forgotten about that so most of them are wrong.

Some people think that I'm Aunt Zoe and Aunt Alana's kid but, as much as I love them, I wouldn't wish that fate upon anybody.

Some think I'm Uncle Jared's kid. I don't want to think about that right now.

There is a group of kids in my class, mainly the closet gays and emos, that ship my Dads. They're the only ones right about me.

I get bullied for it. I get bullied for my glasses. I get bullied for my skin colour. I get bullied because I'm gay. I get bullied because I'm fat. For my music tastes. For my nerdy ideals.

But that's okay. It's okay because I have Jeremy.

I may have done some regrettable things and I may have some scars to prove it but I'm okay now. For the most part.

I have anxiety. It's mild, but still there. I fidget with my headphone wires, the bottom of my sweatshirt. When I get an attack, it's worse than most but apart from that I just look like that one awkward kid.

Pa says he was exactly the same when he was my age but I can't imagine him any other way, his glasses and ever so slightly graying hair. He's in denial.

I couldn't imagine Dad any different either. Still has his long hair, he could be a l'Oreal model, I swear. He tried to teach be ballet once but I have as much coordination as a squirrel on cocaine. I'm learning the piano and guitar but it's baby steps, not all of us can be as great as Sir Strumsalot himself.

Nana Heidi and Grandma Cynthia are lovely. They thought it would be easier to move in together in the countryside to save money. They get along great but they aren't together. They're like best friends from an old 90s sitcom. It's great to watch.

It doesn't matter what they're like, I love them anyway.

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