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This is underwhelming and took way too long.
Enjoy graduation babs.


We stood by the doors as the students high fived us. Most were bickering about what happened.

The boys were talking to a pair of boys, one with a firey red streak in his hair. Jeremy had his arms around Michael and Michael's arms were hanging loosely at his sides.

I could see the red seeping through even now. Evan looked worried but held back.

"Ah, dude, I'm so sorry about- y'know everything. Especially that burn on your arm. God that must've hurt. Jake managed to get me out just before the alcohol exploded." A burn? Since when did he get burnt?

"It's okay, we're good now, right?"

"Yeah dude. I'm, like, totally bi now."

The two said goodbye and our boys came over to us, "Mikey, honey, we need to get you fixed up. Come on, nurse's office. Now."

Michael was dragged away, looking back and mouthing 'sorry' at Jeremy.

So I was left with him, "You did good, Jer. It took you a while but you did good."

"Sorry about that- there was this... defective toaster and it just kinda- took over-"

"Sh- I don't care that much. You're both okay now and that's what's important."


"Hey, after graduation me and Evan are gonna take a little trip. We think you'd appreciate the alone time, huh?"

"Wh-wah- well- I- Mr Murphy-" His face heated up quickly.

"No no no, Call me Dad now, son." My heart grew happy. I finally get to prove I can be the father I never had.


"Call me Dad, you little loveable twink. I mean, you're practically getting married now anyways."

"You're a cool guy, Mr- I mean, Dad."

"So are ya coming round to stay tonight or-"

"If- uh- that's okay?"

"Sure, Jer."

My phone vibrated-

Evvy💋💍: Waiting in the car. See you in a second xxo

What a long day. As were the others but prom came and went. The boys wore matching outfits.

Micha had a red suit vest with a blue bowtie and Jer had a blue suit vest with a red bowtie.

Someone spiked the punch and Evan got tipsy. He was dancing and singing and being embarrassing but no one cared because it was Mr Hansen the gay cookie maker.

The day ended as the next one came and soon enough, it was graduation.


"Get your gown on before I force it onto you myself."

"But my hair's not going right, Micha!"

"You'll have a hat on anyway."

"But then I have to throw it!"

"Boys, time to go!"

I shoved the gown over Jeremy's head, stroking in hair down, "There. Not so bad."

"C'mon! We'll be late!"

"No thanks to you."

He dragged me by the sleeve downstairs to the front door.

"Ah, my baby's all grown up! Let me get a picture." I'm not even embarrassed. Jeremy's grown up with me and my Dads and he knows how much of a soccer Mom Pa could be.

He used to always try and protect me from swearing and other 'scary' things. He'd scream at Dad when he put his music on, which didn't stop him.

They would playfully fight and little me would always get a hug after. The only time they really fought was, well, the Reynolds incident. It makes me shudder just thinking about it.

Nothing's changed a whole lot, they playfully fight and I get a hug. Jeremy looks at me with a mix of awe and shock. He's just jealous.

I mean, between us we have three Dads so who needs a Mom, right? We have Pa for that.

We got ushered into the car and Jeremy grabbed my hand in the middle. I put my head on his shoulder.

"Mon monde." I whispered, he looked at me, pulling out his phone.

I saw him onto a translate app and smile, "I love you, Micha."

My Dad was smiling from the passenger seat, after obviously hearing everything, "Juste baiser déjà, idiots."

"Dad!" I rolled my eyes, nuzzling more into my Jerbear's shoulder.

He typed it in, "Oh." I could see him turn red out of the corner of my eye.

We stopped abruptly, "We're here!"

I took a deep breath. It's all going to be over.

My Dads scurried off to their seats, joining Jeremy's at the back.

"Parting is such sweet sorrow." Jeremy said as we filed into the crowd in alphabetical order. He grabbed my hand and we stretched until we were only connected by our fingers.

I smiled. People started staring, "That I shall say good night till it be morrow." As much as I hated English class, my grades were good.

I let go of his fingers. I don't know if I'm listed as Mell or Murphy-Hansen so I'll wait until a teacher comes and sorts us.

Soon enough, one did. I've been Mell for the past decade and a half so it was nice to be sat in the Mu section instead of Me. I guess someone changed it after my Dads low-key outed themselves.

I watched everyone walk up and collect their diplomas. Christine, Jake, Rich, Brooke, Jenna, Chloe.

Only one stood out among the 200+ kids I sat through and that was the tall, noodle looking one, anxiously staring at me as he went.

I smirked at him , despite dreading it myself. I went off into some kind of haze before I heard my name called.

I stood up carefully and made my way to the stage, following the person infront of me. I was bunching up my gown sleeves in my hands and biting my lip a little too hard but I eventually made it back into my seat.

N went, as did O and so on until we were all told to get into classes for pictures. Jesus christ this is a drag.

I found Jeremy and clung to him like he did to me, "Do I look okay?"

"Better than okay. How about me?"

"A cute little marshmallow."

"Just because you're taller than me-"

"Everybody smile!"

We straightened up, my arm still around him. Just a couple more photos til'-

Jeremy grabbed my hat and I grabbed his. We threw it with such force that when the wind blew and they both hit my Dad straight in the face.

Everyone started laughing, including him. Then both he and Pa put them on. Pa gave me a thumbs up, wiping his eyes.

He ran up and gave me a bone-crushing hug, "You're not my little boy anymore."

"I'll always be your little boy, Pa." I patted his back gently.

"Hey- uh- Micha?" I turned to see Jeremy, "I got you something."

"Jer, you didn't have to." He held out a patch like the ones on my hoodie.

"I couldn't find diploma looking one so I might have had to settle for an 'are you smarter than a fifth grader' patch." He laughed.

"I love it." I leant forward and pecked his lips.

Maybe I don't care if school never ends.

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