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This took me weeks but it was worth it.
Sorry it's not great.


"Alright, well I'm going to stay up for a little bit and write my- write my journal." Evan said with tired eyes.

"Okay. Just don't be too late going to sleep." I smiled, kissing his forehead and laying down.

Sleep came relatively quickly to me but I dreamed of nothing. Dreams aren't common courtesy for me anymore, but when I do dream, it's usually a nightmare.

I can just vaguely remember my eyes fluttering open, looking over at my soulmate.

His eyes were closed, glasses resting just off the bridge of his nose. He held a pen loosely in his hand, journal in his lap. It was always such fun to read through what he wrote in the past.

That was, until I leaned over and read, 'Tonight, I can feel myself floating.

Connor, I love you so so mu-'

It seemed to trail off after that.

I felt my heart stop for a second.

"Heh. So that's how it's going to be, huh?"

I took the pen lightly from his still warm hands, scribbling a message at the bottom of the page.

'Dear, Evan Murphy-Hansen,
I'll be with you soon.'

I got up quietly, smiling. This life wouldn't be a life worth living without him here. Michael will be fine without us, he's so strong.

The house seemed almost ominous now, but I wasn't scared as I opened the medicine cabinet.

I grabbed some type of orange bottle. Ironic how these were the same ones in my hand the day I met Evan.

I walked back to our bed. He just looked like he was sleeping. I kissed him gently, popping the bottle open and downing the whole thing.

Tonight, I can feel myself floating.

"Connor, you are such an idiot."


I smiled to myself. My husband was driving and my son was asleep in the back. He's an angel, just 2 years old. I don't know why no one wanted him.

We were on our way to my Dads' house, we go there every month. They're still two of the best people I've ever known. They weren't too old really, only in their late 60s.

The drive wasn't too long, just three quarters of an hour or so, "Hey honey, can we go to the orachard first. I wanna see my grandmas."

"Sure, sweetie."

He pulled over. Our little one was still sleeping in the back.

I got out, leaving Jeremy with him in the car.

I love Jeremy so much, I always have. He's my light and the end of the tunnel.

I walked for a little while to a cordoned off section, through the little gate. This is where they're buried. I stood in front of the two headstones. I can still remember when they were buried, we all cried so much but we knew it was better this way. 

I'll never forget when Pa broke down. He picked up the phone and just stood there for a second before bawling. Dad managed to keep a straight face but when Grandma Cynthia died he didn't take it too well.

"Hey you two. It's been a while." It was as if the wind was replying to me as it whirred in my ears, "Sorry I didn't bring you any flowers. I just have a bad feeling about today is all."

I felt the air become heavier, as if to tell me I was right, "Well, I should be going. See you soon."

I walked back to the car warily. So many things could go wrong. I scrunched my sleeves into the palm of my hand, getting in.

"You look tense, what's up?"

"Nothing really. I've just got a bad feeling about today."

"Everything will be fine, Micha."

"I know." I said as we pulled into my Dads house.

We got out, Jeremy grabbing our little boy, "I get him asleep first, okay?"

"Alright." I pushed the door open, "Hello?"

No answer. It was well past midday but they might still be asleep.

I shrugged, going in and up the stairs, "Dad? Pa?

Their bedroom door was slightly open. I swallowed hard before trudging over.

I pushed it open lightly, "Pa-"
I felt a strong scream rip my throat and tears prick my eyes.

Pa was just lying there, a ghostly pale shade of white. Dad had seemed to have fallen from a sitting position on the bed, near his hand was an orange prescription bottle. I'm not stupid. I knew what happened.

"Micha!?" I heard rapid footsteps up the stairs, "Oh my god, are you okay?!"

I was leant up against the wall opposite the door, hands covering my mouth. I could feel my cheeks become sodden.

Strong arms wrapped around my shoulders, "Micha, I'm so sorry."

"Jer- they're- they're dead." I buried myself into his chest, "They're dead!"

We stood there for what seemed like forever, him holding me.

My Dads were dead. Gone.

I could have sworn I heard my Pa's voice say, "Connor, you are such an idiot."

That's when I knew they may be gone but they'll always be here with me.

"It may all seem down right now, but I promise you that it can only go up from here."

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