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I've really missed writing so heere's this.
So I got this oneshot idea from jamilamsfolife
Their son's been like fifty different people so do what you want with this.
This is gonna take place about one or two years after the last one.

"Bye Aunt Peggy, nice seeing you! Sorry Michael wasn't here, he had to go to work."

"It's okay Jeremy, tell him I said hello."

"Of course." I smiled as she trotted down the path in her upbeat fashion.

Peggy and I have become fast friends since our wedding, she's so sweet. I can see why Micha's Dads liked her so much.

I trotted into the kitchen, smiling. She brought a homemade casserole- figuring we'd be a little busy with our little one.

It would be an understatement to say that it was delicious because as soon as I bit into it, it made me feel all fuzzy inside- I'll have to ask her recipe.

I heard a little whimper from upstairs, he's such a quiet child that I hardly notice anything is wrong half the time. The way he tries to string together sentences makes me smile so wide, it really is the cutest thing.

I walked up the stairs slowly to see him out of his crib, the toy chest open and him sucking on a chess piece, "Whiz, no!" running over, I scooped him up and took the Queen from his mouth.

"Playtime later, honey bee." I kissed his forehead, setting him back into the crib.

"Daddy" He mumbled before drifting off to sleep. I remember when he first called me that, it made my heart soar. Michael and I were in a kind of competition on who he'd call Dad first, I always knew Micha was a Pops.

My head felt kinda funny, so I decided to go and lay down for a little while, leaving my son- I still can't get used to saying that- peacefully asleep.

Our bed was comfortable, it smelled of hot cocoa and long nights of cuddling.

I felt two arms snake around my waist from behind, jolting forward I saw Micha, "You're home early, aren't you?"

"I wanted to surprise you."

"Is that so?" I gave a chuckle, kissing his forehead, "You could have given me some warning, I almost had a heart attack!"

He kissed my lips passionately, but it didn't taste like it usually does. It tasted of metal and a hint of.. maybe mountain dew? Could have sworn he said he'd never drink another drop of that stuff again.

I heard a little cry from the next room over, "I'll get it, Mikey." I smiled at him, his smile seemed.. off.

The nursery was a mix of pastel colours: blue, pink, yellow, purple. It was beautiful.

"I'm-I'm hungie- hungry. Hungry!" A small voice exclaimed. When I saw him he seemed very proud of himself, smiling with his tiny, shiny teeth.

I picked him up in my arms, stroking through his short, dark hair. As I was sorting out something for him to eat, he looked up at me, "Daddy, where's Pops?"

"He's just here, sweetie." I gestured to the man leaning in the doorway, smirking.

"Daddy, no one's there! Silly." Confusion hit me like a ton of bricks.

"Wha-" I heard the door open downstairs, "Micha, look after him, I'll be right back."

The house seemed eerily quiet, it scared me. After looking around for a little bit, I found nothing. I must've been extremely paranoid because I could have sworn I felt someone watching me, or your average hell demons grabbing at my arms.

I went back upstairs, pausing outside of the nursery door to see Michael hunched over the crib, "Humanoid identified and registered. Hello, Whizzer Mell-Heere."

His voice made me sick to my stomach. I haven't heard it for years, but it will never, ever escape my mind. He was back.

"Daddy, help!" I heard the small voice shriek with pure fear. That wasn't Michael.

As I pieced everything together in my head, I felt my eyes widen, "Oh hey, honey."

"O-optic nerve blocking off." I blinked, feeling a sharp shock go down my spine.

"What the hell did you just do?" It smiled, grabbing my child and laughing. Neon blue pixels flicked down its body, revealing the thing that still inhabits my nightmares.

"Get the hell away from my son!" The strained voice of my husband shook from behind me.

I whipped around, looking into his hard but tearful eyes. He thrust a familiar red bottle into my hands.

Looking up, the thing had the window wide open and my now sobbing son hanging from the back of his little shirt, "I wouldn't do that if I were you, Jeremy. If I dissappear, the baby falls. You wouldn't want such a fragile thing to shatter, would you?"

"What do you want from us?"

"I want you, Jeremy. I want you away from a.. boy who is simply no good for you. I care."

I saw Michael grab something from the still open toy chest while the squips harsh eyes were focused on me, "Okay. Okay fine, but only if you put my baby back in his crib."

I could feel a thin sheet of sweat encompass my forehead as it placed him down and stalked over to me, "Oh Jeremy, you don't know how long I've wanted this.", he leant in for a kiss, but instead of his cold, metallic ones, I was met with carbonated cherry.

Sharp pains shot though my body and I heard the kid cry out too, but I knew that this meant the thing was gone. The last thing I saw before darkness was my husband's troubled yet relieved face as he held a water gun filled with a red liquid.

When I woke up, we were in our bed,  Michael clutched to my chest and our son napping between us.

Michael smiled up at me, "So you thought you'd have dinner without me then?", he held up a little post-it note that I recognised from the top or the dish Peggy gave me. I hadn't bothered to read it but I wish I did:

'Aunt Peggy's Mountain Dew casserole <3'

"I am so dumb."

The man huddled in my arms gave off a goofy grin, "But you're my dumb."

God knows what kind of future this kid will have with us as his fathers.

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