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I'm really sad because my French teacher's leaving my school and she was honestly one of the nicest ladies I've ever met. Our last lesson's tomorrow and I can't face it. I know it's menial and shouldn't bother me but I can't help it.

Kill me now.


I got a call at 2 am from Connor- loud music raging behind him. By the sounds of it Evan was there too.

Those two are so stupid- from what I could make out, Michael's still home so they decided to go and 'oversee' the party. Oversee my ass.

So now I'm driving with Alana to pick them up.

We got there okay- although it would have been quicker on foot what with all the traffic. I stomped in the door, practically unnoticed.

"Hey sexy lady~" "I'm gay!"

I spotted my brother watching Evan twirl around near a door, "I wanna dance with somebody!"

I grabbed both of their arms dragging them to the car. Then we started the drive back and got stuck in a traffic jam. I saw some bright bursts of light and screams. Must be some fireworks or something. I heard a siren. Probably the police trying to break up such a mediocre party. I went to so many huge, way better ones in college.

The traffic started moving- Evan fell asleep on Connor's shoulder. They're just like teenagers again. The cool college gays.

When we finally got back to their house, I pulled up. Alana gave Evan a piggy back and I pushed Connor inside. The door was unlocked. He fell onto the sofa and fell asleep straight away. Alana lay Evan next to him and the cuddled up.

I shook my head. They'll regret it in the morning, "Mikes, you home!?" I called up the stairs.

I heard a little quiet noise so I went to check on him while Alana wrote a little note and left out some painkillers. I gave up movie night for this.

"Micha?" The bathroom door was open so I immediately assumed the worst and I ran to the doorway.

There he lay, curled up in a ball in the bath, "Michael?" He'd been to that party- I could tell by the sweater he was wearing and the lack of headphones. He'd made an effort- must have been for Jeremy. It doesn't look like it went well.

I went to the side of the bath slowly- scared of what I might find. He was breathing.

I tapped his shoulder gently and his head turned to look at me, wide teary eyes staring into mine.

"Mikes, what happened?"

"Un feu, tante. ça fait mal." his voice broke and I caught glimpse of his arm, pink scars covered it (relatively fresh might I add) but above all was a huge, bright red mark across his forearm. A burn.

Those weren't fireworks I saw. That was a fire.

"Shit Mikes. Get out of there." I tried to think back to my first aid training, "Um- your breathing is normal, you're not feeling faint are you?"

"No. Wide a-ah!" he cried in pain as he put pressure on his arm, "a-awake."

"O-okay. Um-" I helped him out of the tub and sat him on the toilet seat and grabbed some bandages.



"I'm just- I'm just wondering and I don't wanna ask Dad so-"

"Yes. It's completely normal but just because I sub healthcare doesn't mean-"

"Wha- no. I wanna know what happened to Dad when you were teenagers. I- what did you- oh my- god."

"Ahah- oh- well- um. Your- Grandpa I guess- wasn't a very nice guy. Connor was- he wasn't in a good place. He was addicted to pot and- suicidal and I didn't know what was going on until Evan came along." I took a long breath, trying to gauge Michael's mood. Pain but he looked intrigued and I wiped his arm down to sterilize it, "I-um- he- he raped Connor for three years I think it was and- and beat him for years after and- oh- um- let me- let me wrap your arm."

"Then he went to prison, right?"

"Yeah." I heard footsteps at the door now.

"And he's coming to the end of his sentance?"

"I guess."

"Then what's the tape abo-"

There was a knock at the door, "Hey, you guys in here?"

"Yeah. Come in."

"Oh my god Mikes. What happened to your arm?" I started wrapping it loosely.

"There was a fire at a party and I had to shimmy down a drainpipe to get out."

"Yeah, that's on the news. What about all those little lines Mikes?"

His face paled. She really shouldn't have asked that. I hope this doesn't set him off or anything. I know what they're for, they're for Jeremy. He's sensitive and Jeremy is destroying him. It's no fun if your aunts and dads are your only friends, hate to say it but poor Mikes doesn't have anyone else.

"I-uh- well-um you see I- shit."

"Ally just leave it." I turned to the boy, he looked almost as small as when I first met him- he was only five. He looks so broken.

"Micha, we should go. Your Dads are downstairs and are gonna be a little hungover in the morning so you gotta be extra kind, okay?"

"Yeah, alright."

"Good, and if you ever need to talk, I'm here." I leaned in a little closer and lowered my voice, "He's not worth it Michael. Don't give him what he wants."

"See you tomorrow Mikes- and remember to revise basic cell structure-"

"Ally! Alright, bye Mikes." We waved and he waved solemnly back. As we aproached the door, I took one last glance. I'm glad my brother's happy. He deserves to be.

I leaned up to kiss Ally in the doorway. I love her smile, her messy yet uniform hair. I love her eyes most of all. I could get lost in them for hours.

Lost in a transe but I could swear I heard a camera shutter.

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