"I thought you were dead!" | Hiccstrid

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Astrid's POV
  I walk around in the forest, trying desperately to find my axe. I find it but before I can pick it up I feel something grip my waist.. I look up, my heart thumping desperately in my chest. A beautiful blue Deadly Nadder  has picked me up, and is taken me to Thor knows where!
   About an hour or two later, by which I've stopped struggling (what! I'm tired.), the Nadder drops me, and lands next to me. It flies off, and comes back a few minutes later. I stare at the dragon in confusion and fear, before it starts making weird head movements. A half-eaten fish falls out of its mouth, and I don't move. I don't have a weapon, either. My dagger isn't on me- I threw it at Snotlout, and my axe was stolen by the twins and left in the forest. Which I would have had, if it weren't for this stupid dragon! The dragon stares at me then looks at the fish. I look at the Nadder again, shaking my head as it dawns on me what it wants me to do. I reluctantly pick up the fish, take a bite, and swallow. I gag, the slimy fish sliding down my throat, but the dragon seems satisfied.

   This happens every day. 2 hours a day. Then we eat. Then, it's another 8 hours before we land and eat. I'm still wary of the dragon, however. This continues for four weeks before we land, and she doesn't fly off with me again.

   Shaking my head, I realize I'm not scared anymore. It's been a month, and she hasn't hurt me. I reach out a hand to the dragon nervously, slightly worried my hand is going to be gone any minute now. I look away, not wanting to see it bitten off. But instead of feeling excruciating pain, a dry, scaly feeling spreads through my outstretched palm. Looking up, I see the beautiful Nadder's head pressed into my hand. It- no, she, pulls away, and looks at me, pupils dilated.
  "Stormfly," I decide, and she makes a delightful little noise. I laugh, and scratch her under the neck.
   Stormfly falls over, limp, and I jump back. "What did I do?! What did I just do?!" I screech aloud, before hearing her... purr?
  Before I can question it any further, sleep threatens to overtake me. I yawn, tired, and lay down. I curl into a ball and feel Stormfly lay next to me. Her large wings cast a shadow over me and protect me from harm.
   This continues for another two, three weeks. She brings me food, which I cook, we play, eat again, play, go to bed.
   One day, something changed between us. I decided to try and get on her back. To my surprise, she let me. Stormfly bent down, and I clambered on. As soon as I was holding the spines around her neck, she took off. We flew for what seemed like hours. I laughed in delight, reaching up with one hand to feel the air rushing past. It was magical, amazing, beautiful.
   When we finally got back, scorch marks littered the ground. My make-shift hut was reduced to a pile of ashes. I sighed, and sat watch.
  That night, I watched as a shadow took all our food.
  The next night it was my wood.
I was terrified. It wasn't a dragon, I was almost positive. It was silent, the only noise it ever made was when it burnt half the forest with a strange purple blast. No dragon I know of had a purple shot.
  Well, besides a Night Fury. But it lived near Berk! Storm and I lived two weeks away from Berk. Each day in those two weeks is 20 hours. The other 4 hours are rest hours before flying again. There is no way, at all, for there to be the Night Fury attacking us.
  And we know for a fact there is only one. No other village, besides ones closer than a 20-hour day (on a dragon as fast as Stormfly), away from Berk, ever complained of a Night Fury. Sure, it is known about, but it hasn't ever attacked. The closer villages never have raids on the same day Berk does. I would know- I've been to each village. And the raids are weekly. The Night Fury is in each one.
  It didn't come back, the shadow. It left us alone after another few days. It stole the food, wood, and more food and wood, like I said. It was those first two nights after the flight and only a few more, then it left. Stormfly and I fly everyday, at noon, just to make sure no one else comes to our little safe haven.
Hiccup's POV
Astrid has been missing for four weeks now. The raid is tonight, and I'm still trying to get the Night Fury. I just have this feeling it'll solve all my problems. Including Astrid being missing. Don't ask me how- I don't know.
  I run up to the highest point of Berk with my contraption in front of me. It's designed to shoot down a dragon- something I can't do myself. Before I can shoot, I feel a sharp pain in my leg, and I'm being taken away.
  I pass out from the pain.

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