Harry Potter meets the one, the only- oh, so I'm not the only Percy Jackson?

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  Harry groans, his eyes opening to see the familiar cupboard ceiling. A loud, rapid series of knocks echoes throughout the tiny space. "Get up!" Vernon's voice yells, Harry wincing at the noise. He slowly sits up and gets dressed.
Less than a minute later, he walks out of his cupboard, head down. The small, eight-year-old boy sits in the corner, shoulders hunched. A small, dried apple is in his hands, and he eats it rapidly. He stands up, turns, and leaves.
   He runs out the door, small glittering tears rolling down his face. Vernon and Petunia call for him, yelling at him to "come back here and work!"

An hour later and the messy black hair on top of Harry's head ruffles in the wind. He walks along the side walk with his head down when he comes to the front of a dentist shop. He knocks shyly, tired of walking, and turns to leave after a few seconds of no one arriving. He had planned to knock on very door until he could find a places to shelter, and leave after five or so seconds if they didn't answer. Suddenly the door swings open, startling Harry. "Hello?" A woman calls. She looks down and sees Harry's malnourished body with dark bags under his eyes. She quickly scoops him up and brings him inside.
   Harry hears a phone ring. "Hello? Is this the police?" Silence. "Yes yes. This is Mrs. Granger, there is a small kid sitting in my office." A few muttered words later, Mrs. Granger calls out to Harry. "What's your name, dear?" She asks. "H-Harry Potter ma'am." He replies softly, looking down at the ground. She repeats the name into the phone.  "Okay, thank you." She ends the call and puts away the phone.

A small girl with bushy, mouse-brown hair peers out from the corner. A book is tucked under her arm, her curious eyes staring at him. Harry shifts nervously, eyes darting around, the girl's stare making him uncomfortable.

A few minutes of silence later, and the police are pulled up to the office. A short-ish woman with brown hair walks in, smiling sweetly. "I'm Sally Jackson, who are you?" She asks Harry. Harry smiles, eyes lighting up. "Harry Potter!" He exclaims, instantly at ease with this woman for some reason. She just seemed to have a nice aura. Then a small boy with black hair and sea-green eyes peers out from behind Sally. He stumbles forwards, eyes darting around, hands fidgeting.
Harry looks at him curiously, so does the young girl, but Sally catches his attention. "How come you're here little guy? Do you have a home?" She asks. Harry nods slowly and blurts out, "But they hate me! They aren't even my parents! Don't send me back! Please!" Tears stream down his fear-stricken face as he shakes. Sally's eyes soften as the small boy who was hiding behind her runs over and hugs Harry.
"Okay Harry. Where did you live previously? Who are the people you live with?" Sally asks softly, glancing at the small boy being hugged. "Uhm.. Privet Drive, Petunia and Vernon Dursley." He replies. Sally nods, and gestures to one of the police officers behind her. They leave and drive away.
The small girl interrupts. "I'm Hermione. Hermione Granger." She states, her chin up slightly. Sally looks at the unknown boy. "That's Percy. He's my son." She introduces. Percy looks up at his mom, and he's standing next to Harry. Which he has been a while after a brief hug that lasted maybe one second. Harry smiles, a childish grin on his face. "Tag! You're it!" He exclaims, only knowing the game from watching other kids playing. He taps Hermione who scowls, gently places the book down, and chases after him. Percy laughs and joins in.

A few years later...
Harry, now ten, almost eleven, runs into the Granger's kitchen. Now their adopted son, and with Percy as his best friend, he was extremely happy. Sally had been stationed to the area a few years ago, which is why she was there, and she was one of Mrs. Granger's best friends. Hermione runs into the room waving two letters. "Harry! Harry! Look!" She exclaims, grinning. He snatches one out of her hand, and sees the letter is addressed to him.
He turns. "Mom! Dad! Look!" Both he and Hermione start laughing, waving letters. A seal with an H and a lion, snake, Eagle, and badger surrounding it is keeping the letter shut. Hermione carefully opens it.
After reading the letter, she looks at Harry excitedly. "I'm a witch and you're a wizard!" She squeals. Her parents look at her, and Harry hands them his unopened letter. Sure enough, that's what it's says.

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