"GET AWAY FROM MY DOG!" Genderbent!Percabeth part 1

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  I'm Alexander Chase, one of the 50 demigods who survived the war. It was a long, bloody war, between the sky and the sea. the Lightning Bolt was finally returned last year, after which the war ceased. This war lasted 3 years, and I'm 16 now. I'm on a mission: Find Persia Jackson before August 18th. I have thirteen days to get her back to camp.

I don't know what the huge deal about her is. All I know is that she showed up to camp one day, I showed her around and took care of her, and then she left. Her weapon is a pen that turns into a sword, the only one of its kind. A pen-sword, that is. There are multiple swords and battle items that turn into other things, just not pens. It's kind of copyrighted, being a hair clip, a pen, whatever it has already been. That's my knowledge of Persia Jackson, and I'm expected to find her. Heck, it's been four years; I don't even remember what she looks like!

   I notice firelight seeping through the trees, and I cautiously head over. Instead of seeing a human, I see a huge black dog. She's bigger than a tank! Immediately, I suspect something. The dog's eyes snap open, and my fears are confirmed. A hellhound lays in front of me, her dark, fire-like red eyes proving me right. A low growl fills the area, and the hellhound slowly advances towards me.
   I take out my dagger, and prepare throw it. A blur flashes in front of me with unnatural speed and reflexes. Even after training at a Camp Half-Blood for nine years, I can't move that fast! My wrist is caught in a vice grip, and my eyes meet with my attacker's. I go to attack back, but I find I can't move.
  Literally. My limbs won't respond to me, and I can't even blink or talk.
   I take in my captor's appearance as best I can, without the ability to move my eyes. I see a soft, yet sharp jawline, piercing sea-green eyes, long, messy jet-black hair, and a slight tan. She has a scar on her neck and a bruise is evident on her right cheek. "Who are you?" She growls.
   I realize I can talk now, but still can't move otherwise. "Why should I tell you?" I retort sharply. To my surprise, she just sighs and shakes her head. "Look, I'm currently controlling 72 percent of your body. I could kill you with a thought. Literally. I can stop your heart like that." She snaps her fingers to emphasize her point. I swallow nervously.
  To my surprise, everything but my arms and legs can move now. I breathe heavily, twisting around to see if there is anything around me. After a while, she lets me go. "If I ever see you near here again, I won't be so nice next time. And I don't need your name, I've already memorized your face. And stolen your ID card, keys, dagger, and wallet." I pat my pockets, and, sure enough, all mentioned items are gone. I hadn't even seen her move!

I lunge, trying to get them back, but just fall over. She had frozen me again. Somehow. She lets me up, and holds out her hand. I glare, and slap it away. A loud smack followed the slap, and it seemed to fill the forest. Then, it is over taken by a loud growl. I grab my extra dagger, which, thankfully, I can get to and she didn't steal. Wait- this is my actual- HEY! All my stuff is back! What the- when did she- Okay, never mind. Giant hellhound!
     I run towards the dog, yelling, my dagger outstretched. Just before I reach it, the girl jumps in front of my dagger. It slashes across the top of her right shoulder, down her torso, and ending at her left hip. She growls unhappily at the injury, before settling into a defensive position. "Get the hell away from my dog!" She yells in my face, and, to my surprise, no blood even dripping from her cut. I swallow nervously, before seeing her weapon.

   It's a pen. How laughable is that? "What, are you gonna draw on me, or somethin'?" I ask, laughing, completely forgetting about the hellhound and her powers. She smiles, a dangerous glint in her eyes. "Yes, actually. Let me just uncap my pen," she replies cheerfully, and I let her, amused.
  A bronze blade springs forth, replacing the pen in her hands. She taps the flat end of the blade with the cap, and I see the cap attach to the blade, then melting and molding itself to fit. Her happy smile slowly curls into a wicked one.

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