"Wh-what's going on?" | Percy Jackson Transformation/Ignorance AU

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I woke up, stretching. I felt a warm hand brush away the drool on my chin, and I look over to meet beautiful gray eyes. Smiling at Annabeth, my wife (don't you even dare touch her with anything! Even your eyes!), I nuzzled into her neck. She squealed, pushing me away playfully. I stuck my tongue out at her, and got out of bed. We both got changed and got ready.
    We finally went over to the car, Annabeth's golden curls bouncing as she walked. I got in the drivers seat after a brief discussion on who was driving, and drove over to Camp Half-Blood, where we were volunteering. Hey, we have to get those service hours!
   About ten minutes later, we got out of the car. We walked into camp, giving high-fives to each of our friends.
   "Pipes! Leo.. Jason! Hey!" Annabeth called out. "Will, Nico. Nice to see you." I greeted them casually. "Frank! Hazel!" I waved the duo over. I grinned at them both, my trouble-maker smile I've had for 18 years, hopefully longer, prominent on my face. I'm a senior in high school, after all. So is Annabeth. The nine of us started chatting, heading towards the forest.

    We went and sat by a beautiful creek running through the forest. We laughed, splashing each other, getting soaked. Somehow, I didn't though. I mean, I did want to stay dry, but sill. It's.. kind of strange. I shrugged, continuing to mess around with my friends.
A few hours later, the exhausted group and I, were lying by the creek, laughing and chatting our heads off. I still wasn't tired. If anything, I felt as if I just had a shot of caffeine or three. "So, Percy. When are you and Annabeth getting married?" Piper asked, raising an eyebrow. Annabeth and I glanced at each other, confused. Then it clicked.
"Schist! We totally forgot to tell you guys! We eloped a few months ago, the day of my Birthday." Jason looked over at Piper, who looked at Leo, who looked at Hazel, who looked at Frank, who looked at Nico, who looked to Will, who looked to Annabeth. "Hey, Percy proposed. What were we supposed to do? We couldn't spend the money to have a huge wedding in a Greek palace that looks like the home of the gods!"
Our friends started to laugh. At that, I stood up, enraged. "Okay, I don't care if you laugh at me or that I'm too poor to give my wife a beautiful, grand wedding, but don't you dare laugh at Annabeth! I don't care that it's not supposed to be mean laughter. Never. Do it. Again." I snarled, the creek getting tougher with each word I mutter. My eyes narrow, and I clench my fists to my sides. I feel a sharp tug in my gut, and the water follows my actions.
Our friends and Annabeth looked at me- no, right over my head, from which a soft green glow was shining. I looked up to see a sea-green trident floating above me.
I poked it with a finger. "The heck is this?" I asked, frowning. Piper, Leo, and all my other friends, besides Annabeth, knelt down. I heard clopping hooves behind me. I twisted around, Annabeth's hand firmly grasped in mine, and see the camp activities director, Chiron, and Grover. My friend from sixth grade who I haven't seen in six years.
  "All hail Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon." Chiron announced. Grover had a guilty expression on his face. He danced from side to side, and I notice his legs. They're... "You have donkey legs?" I blurted out. Grover went red. "Blaaah!" He bleated. "Goat! Goat legs! Any other satyr would kill you for that insult!" He proclaimed. I shrug, then notice Chiron.
    His upper body is seamlessly grafted onto a white horse's body. I open my mouth to say something, when a huge black dog jumps out of the trees. Everyone but Annabeth and I get into defensive stances. "Mrs. O'Leary!" I cried out, grinning. My dog jumped on me, panting and licking my face happily.
   Annabeth walked over and started petting Mrs. O'Leary. Everyone stared in bewilderment as we played with our dog. "How'd you get out, girl? Did someone let you out of your stable?" Hazel's head whipped around. "You keep a hellhound in a stable?" She shrieked. I shook my head. "No, I keep my a-Abn- UGHHH." I start, groaning as I couldn't think of the word. Annabeth smiled and continued for me. "No, we keep our," She looked over at me, raising an eyebrow, "abnormally sized dog in the stable. We couldn't find a crate big enough." I smiled at her, then stared above her head.
   A light gray owl was floating there, right above her. I shrugged, hugging her, while everyone else stared in bemusement. "Two powerful demigods survived on their own for 18 years?" I glanced over at Annabeth. I had known her since I was twelve. We started dating at sixteen, and eloped at 18. "We weren't alone. We have known each other since we were twelve." Annabeth replied.
   Grover swallowed, shifting nervously. "I didn't realize you two were demigods! Oh my gosh! I should've known! Of course, the satyr who found the only son of Poseidon in years, and probably years to come, and I overlook him. Mhmm! And I lost Annabeth! Uggghhh." He pulled at his hair, groaning to himself. I glanced over at Annabeth who shrugged helplessly, and I slowly backed away from our crazy friends. Mrs. O'Leary followed us, and we turned and ran.
   About an hour later, we were sitting in a cave. We huddled together, Mrs. O'Leary wrapped around Annabeth and I, and we both fell asleep.
   I woke up in the morning feeling strange. I stood up, only to fall over on my back. I landed on something soft, but it caused a sharp pain to run through my shoulders. I sat this time, feeling really awkward. I end up looking at Annabeth.
   She's.. not human right now. I blinked, rubbing my eyes. Sure enough, she had a lioness's body with large, soft-looking wings on her back. I look at myself as best I can, and, instead of seeing my normal, human legs, I saw a sleek, black lower body covered in coarse hair. I turned, looking behind me. Sure enough, a black horse's body stretched out behind me. However, it had wings. Huge, black, feathery wings just there.
   Annabeth woke up, blearily looking at my face. "Percy?" She murmured. She looked at the rest of me. "Percy! You're a centaur?!" She yelped. Then it clicked. "Wise Girl..." I started shakily. "You're a sphinx." She blinked, startled. "I'm a what now?"

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