Chapter 4: Where is 'Home'

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Explosives explode upon the impact of its fall with such force it destroys every living and non-living organisms in its way, the force spreading over 1200 kilometres squared. A certain blond Akatsuki smirk with pride and satisfaction of his work of art, however his eyes hold nothing but emptiness. No matter how proud and arrogant he may seem, no matter how much he improves to defeat his previous self there was no stop. He can never be enough. It is not enough for him and he knows he will reach his limit sooner or later.

"My mission over here is done, Sasori-danna." he concludes, grinning widely down at his partner who is on the ground while he is mounted on his C-2.

Sasori visibly scoffs, finishing off what was started, "Red Secret Technique: Performance of a Hundred Puppets!"

By morning, Ko no Kuni - a small nation between the Land of Fire and Land of Rivers- became nothing but piles of ruins upon a vast land. The castle had fallen to the very core, leaving absolutely nothing behind. The dirt beneath their feet stain red from bloodshed and explosion. Any evidence of a genocide that has occurred has been left in all sorts of places, spreading Akatsuki's reputation wide in the Shinobi World. Their mission in Ko no Kuni, a success.

Upon Sasori and Deidara's return to the basement they meet with complete silence. No voices to be heard. No noises from the kitchen, no nothing. Complete utter silence. Although the silence bothers him Deidara sneaks into his room without saying a thing to his partner, knowing this man will be able to handle anything by himself. No need for the use of someone useless such as himself to be lingering about without an aim.

The boy locks the door then sluggishly removes the Akatsuki coat, scope and ring from his right index finger, carefully and neatly laying them on his bedside table while hanging the coat on a hook from the wall beside his bed. He crawls onto his bed, bringing up the blanket to his chest as he hugs himself in a fetal position. He is beyond exhaustion; mentally, physically, emotionally.

For an unknown reason he feels unusually warm yet cold at the same time. He's already starting to sweat while feeling ice-cold fingers run down his spine from time to time causing him to jerk forward and glance over his shoulder every once in a while. The sensation of being touched makes him shiver with disturbance as he recalls whose hand it was that used to touch him in such a way that would bring him pain and pleasure at the same time. Since when has he become paranoid he does not know, but he knows the one man he hates with every fibre of his being more than he hates the Uchiha is now gone. He hopes it is for good.

Eventually, the youngest member of the Akatsuki falls asleep. A frown displaying on his facial features along with a light trail of glistening unshed tears welling up in his eyes.

"He's asleep."

"Already, huh?"

"He's a boy. There's sure to be some strain on him-"

"A weakling he is. Why did Pain decide to recruit someone like him anyways? We're already well-known and strong enough without a burden such as him."

"Be quiet. You must never question Pain's decisions. He knows what is the best course of action. He always thinks ahead-"

"Of course you will say that, Konan."

The young man stirs awake from his slumber upon hearing faint voices arguing beside his head. He blink rapidly in an attempt to wake the sleepiness out of his eyes and focus on what is currently happening. Luckily he is facing the grey stone wall, earning him time to wipe the dried trail of tears from his cheeks before turning himself to face the owner of the two voices.

"Konan..." gaining the attention of said woman and another male in the room who always carries around a triple-bladed scythe with him, he continues with curiosity. "... Hidan? Why are you two in my room, hn?" his voice had gone rather raspy. Instead of an immediate response Deidara is greeted with a hard expression from Konan while Hidan huffs, crossing his arms as he leans against the opposite wall while holding onto his precious scythe.

"Pain has a mission especially for you. Only you." she emphasises. "Sasori will not be accompanying you in this trip, be sure to prepare yourself for the worst possible outcome." she warns, if it is even possible he swears he saw her face darken.

"I should go then, hn." he mumbles under his breath already sitting up and grabbing his coat.

Before he can reach the door Konan stops him with a hand on his shoulder. He eyes her curiously, knowing there must be something much more deeper than the excuse of a mission on the surface, but he cannot read her expression. A mixture of worry, fear, and guilt? Something he hasn't seen for so many years - aside from his victims.

"Be prepared for the worst, Deidara." she warns yet again, her voice deep and intimidating. He grunts in response then leaves the room, almost forgetting to collect his eye scope and his ring. from the bedside table.

The young blond male bursts out the door leaving Pain in his seat, his expression still and serious, unwavering. Pain can only sigh in disbelief yet, he is sure it is not something the boy cannot handle. Despite knowing and witnessing how worn out the blond is since his return from the massacre of Ko no Kuni this mission is a must and it is also a test.

His face darken upon sensing another presence presenting itself, "Uchiha Itachi." he says, allowing the male to enter his room.

Said Uchiha appears before him after closing the doors, knowing fully well how much the male hates being eavesdropped.

"What do you suggest?" his question not what Itachi expects but his gaze fixated on the male before him.

Elsewhere, Deidara prepares every being in him for this one mission. One he is not allowed to have a say in. Him enraged is an understatement. He cannot believe the words uttered to him in that room. Is he some type of joke?

"When..." he mutters through gritting teeth, stuffing his pockets with clay, restocking his arsenal and snatching a straw hat from the same hook where he also hangs his coat. Hastily making his way towards the entrance of the basement he takes one last bitter glance at the place he now calls "home" before departing without bidding farewell for a mission he is sure to take months.

When will I be allowed to have a say in my life!


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