Chapter 17: art is an explosion (爆発)pt. 2

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The last time Itachi saw Deidara was during the final dinner; five hours before departure. He was relieved his lover was 'fine', seemingly unharmed, however, the usual glint of fondness, love and mutual hatred was no longer present within him. In its stead was a hollowed soul that didn't belong, nor did it hold the usual shine of the man he loves. He was not the man he made love to a week ago. Despite wanting to reach his hand out and hold him in his arms once more, he didn't. He couldn't. He knew he was being watched - they were being watched. Instead, Itachi gave Deidara one last nod of acknowledgement, and a longing stare as the man walked away once more. With that he walked away from the basement, tailing behind Kisame while Tobi clung himself to the blond's arm like a child begging for candy that wouldn't be given to him.



A wide, open plain field. It would've been the perfect location as a camping ground or a mini picnic. But, of course, it could only be a fantasy. Deidara knew well, more than anyone, that living in fantasy was full of expectations having gone right and never wrong. However, it was his mission to eliminate any being who stood in the way of the Akatsuki. Pain had entrusted this mission to him specifically, and he didn't and would never plan to disappoint him any time soon.

A squeaky noise followed by the rustling of bushes interrupted the peaceful silence Deidara had bathed himself in. With a grunt of annoyance, a masked figure popped his head out from behind the bushes with a rubber duck in each hand.

Tobi exclaimed with glee, "Senpai!"

"What is it this time?"

"Play with me."

The winds hurled the open field into submission as a giant storm brewed in the horizon. The impending storm alerted the pair that play-time was over before they'd gotten started.

There, he stood, face to face with the brother he swore to kill with all his might and dignity left in him. He couldn't lose to someone like him. He was going to prove that he was worthy.

A pair of obsidian orbs glared through his soul, graced with his signature smirk and arms crossed across his chest like the generic arrogant Uchiha he'd painted himself to be whilst atop the head of a giant summoned snake hissing down at them. "Long time no see, blondie."

Deidara scoffed at the greeting, eyes fixated on the Uchiha whose hand had shifted to his katana at his slim, well-toned waist. "Today is the day you die, Uchiha," he spat distastefully.

He shifted the eye scope situated on his left with the brightest grin he'd adorned to a battle. We'll see how you deal with me, hm!

At the raise of a hand, Sasuke was brought down from the snake's head as multiple microscopic clay explosives were thrown towards him. In an instant, the explosives reacted- "katsu!" Ear-deafening booms echoed throughout the forest surrounding the open field, disturbing the peace and serenity it once held. A painful hiss and a ginormous puff of smoke alerted Deidara more than before as the smoke restricted visibility. In a not-so-subtle and cheery outburst from his playful partner hidden amongst the woodland away from the battlefield, a small layer of explosives Tobi previously installed activated one by one trailing Sasuke's every move making escape near impossible. But of course, nothing is ever impossible for the child prodigy. The title alone left a nasty taste on his taste buds recalling the days he'd spent in the place with the people he once acquainted and a certain someone he once adored.


Sasuke glares at his brother. Hatred, anger, fear. All the negativity is swelling and rampaging inside him, ready to burst open like a bottle of champagne. In front of him is one of the two Uchihas left in the world; Uchiha Itachi. His only source of strength was and has always been, vengeance on his brother.

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