Chapter 10: Unexpected

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Deidara has... well, very much improved in masking his presence from other shinobi. Not that he was terrible at it, the improvement just boosted his self confidence. And he likes it. Loves it when he knows he's improving and is doing better and better each passing second. He loves to know the time he takes during his breaks to perfect each new creation and improve his ninjutsu wasn't in vain, that he is getting closer to achieving his goal; a goal he vowed to accomplish even after death.

Oddly enough, for someone who has a loud, boisterous mouth, Itachi finds him near the riverbank. Peaceful, quiet, meditating with his back towards him. He is taken aback at how oddly calm Deidara seems. It is something very new. In each other's presence they would bicker about and Deidara would start quarrels while Itachi either ignores his witty remarks or retort, ending it just as quickly and unexpected as it had started. To tell the truth, the little brat was very annoying at first, each time they walk past in corridors he would glare at him with hatred flaring in his deep blue eyes, though later it became a routine which neither of the two understood how one or the other could stand it, but of course, they never spoke about it to say they have had enough of the quarrels. Something like an unspoken agreement that developed through time, and to say the older hates it is entirely incorrect. While this so-called agreement remains between the two of them Itachi teaches him how to be professional and how to avoid being detected, a favour each time he ignores him. Deidara himself is a quick learner, doesn't need to be told more than twice to do what he needs to do and because of his persistent personality, he's reached this point where he proudly calls himself an equal to all the other Akatsuki members. Though, he is rather conscious of what he says and do that sometimes it was obvious to notice his change in personality and how he sometimes distances himself from them, except Akatsuki is an organization of dangerous, murderous people, not a family to warm each other up and have heartfelt talks. And never will be.

Much to his dismay, the boy caught his intense stare from his position half hiding behind a tree. Perhaps not his best choice to remain undetected.

Deidara huffs as he dusts himself of the dirt that stuck to his trousers, crossing his arms over his bare chest in anticipation for a possible explanation from the Uchiha.

"Yes?" he says monotonously, irritation clear in his voice.

For once Itachi seems to have nothing to say towards the younger. His eyes remain hidden in the dark of night, however Deidara knows he is watching him. Oh, he knows he was being watched and a smirk creeps onto his lips - he finally has something good and new to tease the older man about (even if it is a bit creepy knowing he was watching him while he is half naked in the middle of nowhere alone at night.)

Deidara sighs, impatient. "You are terrible. No wonder you're not with anyone." he shakes his head, walking towards Itachi with the smirk still on his lips.

"If I saw someone as gorgeous as myself half naked I would pounce on them the second they give the signal." he clicks his tongue.

"Clearly you're only good at reading your opponents. Shame." he pats his shoulder as he walks right past him, making eye contact for a brief second.

Itachi follows him back to their campsite, keeping a distance between them while his mind is flooded with what Deidara had said to him. "Only good at reading my opponents..." What does he mean? As much as he wants to ask, he decided against it.

It's probably just his usual tease. He tells himself, completely discarding the possibility of something else hinted behind his not-quite-unusual cheerful voice. Some sort of 'evil' laced in his voice, but of course it's Deidara, there shouldn't be much meaning behind it, right? Right.

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