Today, At School

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At the final day before break!

Before we would go to a field trip, we had a contest about decorating our class door. Now my seminar teacher had a plan where we would cut 3 triangles with designs. I kinda made my designs with "Snofu" designs.

And no other teacher is allowed to peak at the window door to see what we were doing. Guess what.. My super cool awesome teacher managed to get into the room. And what did my teacher do? She literally yelled, "GET OUT." And my cool teacher said, "HAHA-- NAH." And my teacher just pushed her out of the room and yelled "SCREW YOU." And the cool teacher also shouted back, "Screw you."

So that was fun.

So, we were going on a field trip to a really fancy place where we would go see the play, A Christmas Carol. All of us had to dress up formally and fancy. I dressed up in a regular black shirt with a patterned collar. And pants. My friend, Emu (yes, we're in the same class) dressed up in a fancy red dress, which was pretty.

We sat at the bus together, but I had to move over again because another person sat with us because there was no other room. I was basically being crushed. (I was sitting at the window seat.)

And when we got there, me and Emu walked inside the place. IT WAS HUGE. It had big chandeliers that lighted up the whole lobby, they had big bushes with Christmas lights on them, and I'm pretty sure I just saw my Piano Teacher there. I never thought she worked there too.

And when we got to the Diner room, HOLY SHIZ I FELT SO RICH. Big chandeliers that were the size of a sail boat were hanged up, big round tables with at least 10 chairs around, and PIZZA. We were going to feast on pizza.

Emu brought Mangle, Ann, Caitlin and another girl which I'm going to call her Peggy. 'Cause why not. 

I was sitting on the same table to call out to my other friends too, but they went to a different table. I tried waving at my friend, Sofie, but she didn't see me. I waved to Ember and she saw me, but I said no because there's no room there. Narita went there too and so did July. Now I got sad.



Thank Emu. She's a very good friend. I trust her very much.

So they all got some seats on our table. The table had very fancy wine glasses. We didn't actually drink wine, the glasses were already filled with water with ice. I drank the water and held the cup in that one fancy way where you hold the bottom of the glass bulb thing in the middle of your hand. 

We managed to get pizza as well. The pizza was cut into long strips. I usually got sausage and pepperoni pizza. And we managed to get cookies, but only one. And only 2 pizzas. We could get seconds whenever we wanted.

Poor July, she's gluten free, so the only thing she got was gluten free pizzas, only 3, and 3 gluten free cookies. That's all. She can't get anymore. But that's okay because she drank the water in the fancy glass and Sprite.

And I had Cola too (Because of Edd, Cola is my favorite soda) BUT GUESS WHAT. IT WAS DIET COKE. *Eduardo's tune plays in the distance*

And I ate, like, 6 pizzas. It was good. All of us sang Hamilton songs at our table and played the game, Telephone, where you would have to whisper in someone's ear a sentence, and they have to whisper what the person said around the table and the last person has to whisper to the person who said the sentence again and see the results.

So Caitlin whispered, "Hamilton is my bae" and the result was "Bob The Builder." WE NEVER KNEW HOW AND WE SUSPECTED THAT SOMEONE WAS CHANGING IT ON PURPOSE, BUT WE NEVER KNEW.

Okay, so after that, we went to see the play. THE THEATER WAS HUGE. They had red comfy chairs, so I got to relax. I sat next to Emu. Narita sat with Sofie, and Ember sat with Liv. So we were sitting apart.

The play was very beautiful and funny. Especially when Scrooge tried to hide from Bob. Bob looked around to make sure Scrooge wasn't around, and so he tried to add more Coal, but then Scrooge scared him and Bob made the most funniest scream I've ever heard. These actors are super cool.

Okay, and then there's Tiny Tim. HIS ACTOR WAS CUTE I'M?????? He was suppose to be at school just like us. BUT HE GOT TO MISS SCHOOL. And he won't be in trouble. But he's too cute to be in trouble. (HE'S 9 YEARS OLD THE SAME AS MY SISTER THAT'S CUTE)

And the moment when Scrooge starts yelling at Bob, making him scared, he just yells "I'M RAISING YOUR SALARY!" And Bob immediately screams, "BUT MR. SCROOGEEEEEEE! Wait what."

I laughed a lot during this play.

Now, on the bus, Me and Emu only sat on the bus again to go back. She had her phone, so she showed me recordings and pictures of her dog and her friends' dogs.

And when we came back, we got to do activities at our classes. I went to my cool teacher's class first and we played Kahoot. I was last place.

Then I went to my funny math teacher's room. We did paper activities just to get chocolate. I never told you guys about him, but he's freaking funny. Me, Narita and July have him for Math. Allow me to give you some quotes from him.

"If you think you're stupid, you're pretty freaking stupid."

"Women. Women in Math. Bah. Okay, just kidding, please don't tell your parents I'm sexist, I'm not."

"I did not try to hurt you, I simply threw a Coke bottle at you because you got the question right."

"Oh. Are you telling me that you can't see? Are you telling my that I'm fat? Fine."

He literally had a sad face as he walked out of the classroom. We yelled at the person for hurting his feelings. He came back and said, 

"I couldn't run away from the school, I was too fat."


He did actually took out a sledge hammer. We all got scared. I wrote in my notes that my Math teacher will personally murder you if you get Y=Kx wrong.

And then I got a candy cane with a compliment on it. It said, "You are the best drawer in town!!" And I recognized the handwriting. IT WAS NARITA WHO WROTE THIS. I told her I knew because I look at her notes every time. Her handwriting is so neat??? Omf??

And then I went back to my seminar teacher's class where we had to get in a group of 4 (Me, Ember, July, Liv) We had to write some words for each letter of the word, Tinsel. For the N, we put a girl's name. We put the name, "Natsuki" because me and Ember were fans of Doki Doki Literature Club!

And that was it. We went back home and I got a Sour Candy Cane and said goodbye to Emu and went back in my Annoying Bus. With annoying people who keep playing bad music on a speaker, blowing Kazoos, moaning sexually, and screaming.

Yeah, my sister wasn't at the bus 'cause she went to a friend's house. So I sat with Narita. I said goodbye to her and I got out of the annoying bus eventually. It was a good thing I use my headphones every time on the bus. I blast the music.

So I walked home and still ate my Candy Cane (the peppermint one with the compliment) and watched K Project while laying on my Ice Cream Cone pillow that I sewed in Sewing Class. It's over now, so I'm going to Art Class next. I finished my pillow project and I feel so proud of it for some reason. It looks good. I like laying down on it. Now I'm going to miss Sewing Class. It was fun. At least I have a sewing machine at home.

So yeah, today was a nice experience. I felt so rich when I got to the place. Eating, drinking, watching. It was cool.


Also, Switched will be out before Christmas, I promise you that. I have free time tomorrow, so I'll go ahead and write some more.

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