Chapter Two

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The next morning when I woke up, I looked at my phone and had, literally 13 missed calls and 7 texts all from Serena. I took it as was a clear sign from above that I should stay in bed all day. But, I couldn’t. I could already hear Maria running around the house making sure everything was ready for our departure.


I heard hurried footsteps down the hall, and when she finally knocked on my door I told her to come in.

“Good morning, Miss Savannah. How are you this fine morning? Excited for      London?”

       “If I say no, can I stay in bed?”

       “I’m afraid that’s not how the world works, unfortunately”

She spread the curtains open, and morning light came bursting in my window. It was a beautiful day outside, and even though I was still in New York I found myself missing it already. “The City That Never Sleeps”: The place I call home.

       I got up and went into my bathroom. Took a nice long bath, until my fingers got all wrinkly, and when I finally left the bathroom Maria had laid my “travelling outfit” on my bed, ready for me to put on. It wasn’t anything fancy really, just a pair of Abercrombie sweats, a black tank top and a sweater. And my converse of course. I grabbed my phone and had another missed call from Serena. I decided to call her back.

       “Well look who decided to call”

       “I’m so sorry S! I dozed off last night”

       “It’s fine. I was exhausted as well, but anyways ready for the big day?”

No. I was not ready for the big day, but what could I do about it really? Feeling sorry for myself wasn’t going to make this any better. Most importantly, it wasn’t going to stop me from leaving.

       “Yes indeed I am”

I finally said. It was partially true, I guess. I mean I was ready. All my stuff were packed, I had my “travelling outfit” on, and even if I didn’t feel ready to face my new life, what choice did I have?

       “Good, what time should I pass by?” she said.

       “Um…like in 30 minutes? I’m not really sure what time we’re leaving for the airport but you know how my dad always likes to be on schedule so I’m guessing we’re leaving soon... Ish”

       “Perf. See you in 30 then!”

She hung up before I could even say another word. I left my room and headed into the kitchen where my parents and brother waited for me. I sat at the breakfast table, and served myself two huge pancakes, with a little syrup. Okay fine it was a lot of syrup, but it’s amazing honestly.

       “Good morning everyone” I said “Is there any coffee?”

       “Good morning dear. I passed by Starbucks and grabbed the usual for you” my mom said.

My mom wasn’t your usual American woman. She looked exotic, almost as if she was born in a foreign world. She wasn’t drop dead gorgeous but there was something about her that I can’t quite put my finger on. She wasn’t very tall, and she had dark curly hair. She was a lawyer, and one of the good ones. I know that if I ever needed anyone to talk to, I could always go to her. Plus, she brought me Starbucks I mean that’s enough to win me over.

       “Aww thank you!”

       “Elena, are you sure that we only need to be at the airport at 11?” my dad said.

       “Yes, Josh I am sure. Calm down honey we’ll be on time”

My dad. Always worried with being on time. My dad was strict and even though I know he had good intentions, he sometimes could be very harsh on how he said things. It was something I inherited from him. Being straightforward. Maybe even too straightforward (forever working on it, I promise). He was also handsome. He was tall with dark hair and dark eyes and even though this might sound like the most mainstream description you’ve ever heard, he was indeed handsome. I bet he was some kind of heartbreaker in his “glory days”.

       “Dad, Serena told me she is going to pass by in about 30 minutes, is that okay?”

       “Yes, yes that’s fine but in 30 minutes! That girl has a tendency to be late”

Which was true, Serena was always late. Always. I honestly don’t know how she even managed to always be late. I think it took quite a large amount of dedication and talent to do so.

       “I’m sure she won’t, she’s too excited to go back to school haha”

       “You will too, Savannah. I understand this is a hard move for you, but you have to be patient and believe that everything happens for a reason. Plus, you will have Serena there to support you so you won’t be all alone”

My old man. He always knew what to say.

       “Thank you, dad. Appreciate it”, I laughed and my dad just threw an annoyed look at me.

It was kind of our inside joke. He hated the expression “Appreciate it”, and I loved to say it over and over again just to piss him off. He said it sounded too sarcastic, independently of the circumstances. I gave him a quick kiss, and went to get my bag. When I opened my bedroom door, my brother was sitting in my bed, eating chocolate and honestly, saying he looked like a dirty chocolate mess was an understatement.

       “Don’t you have anywhere else to be?”

       “Yes. But I like it better here.”

       “David, get out of my room”

My brother would be turning 13 soon but I highly suspect his brain stopped growing at the age of 6.

       “I call dibs on the seat next to the window”

       “I call dibs on getting you out of my room”. He didn’t move, “I’m serious get out.”

       “Pay me, and I’ll leave”

       “Sure. How many slaps do you want?”

       “You’re no fun. But anyways, window seat!”

       “Whatever just leave!”

He finally left. I threw myself on top of my bed and just lay there with my eyes closed. I wasn’t happy to leave. But maybe it was for the best. And my dad was right; Serena would be there to help so I wasn’t completely alone. I, at least, knew someone. After what seemed like a few hours, someone knocked on my door, and didn’t wait for me to reply, which told me it was Serena.

       “Ready to go?”

       “Yeah, let’s go”

As I was leaving through the door she gave me this really tight and very unexpected hug. At first, I was taken by surprise but then I hugged her back. I loved her, I really did and despite the fact that she was girly, and I was me, and she was gorgeous, and I was me, and she liked to hug people unexpectedly and well, I was me, I loved her and I made sure to tell her sometimes so she wouldn’t forget how much I really did appreciate her.

       “I love you S, thank you for doing this with me”

       “Anytime love. And trust me, you’ll love London, honestly it’s amazing and lots of yummy guys if you know what I mean hehe”

We both laughed and then she hugged me one last time before leaving my house, for what seemed like the last time ever        

A.N: Hey guys! Hope you like the chapter and thanks to everyone who has taken the time to read and vote and comment on the chapter, really means the world to me. I would also like to thank all my friendsies (they know who they are), who have taken the time to help me making this story come true and helping me organize all the new twitter and instagram accounts which you can follow here (instagram: beginagain28 and twitter: r_edamancy) and for actually suggesting the idea. Okay that's it for today, I'll update this weekend xoxo

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