Chapter Seven

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After dropping my bag at the choir room, I went down to the cafeteria to buy water. London was usually cold but today, for some bizarre reason, the sun was stronger than ever. I could feel it burning into my skin. Days like these just made me want to stay indoors under the AC. Well me and everyone else. The school looked empty, almost like a ghost town except for a few people here and there on their way to their classes. 

As I was leaving the cafeteria to go back to the choir room I saw Zayn sitting with Harry and Serena at our lunch area. I thought about going upstairs anyways but decided against it. After all, I was trying to fit in and if I wanted people in school to like me I had to make my own classmates like me first.

        "Hey guys" I said whilst approaching them. At first they didn't hear me but as I got closer Serena lifted her head up smilling at me. 

        "Sav! Hey babe, what class are you having now?"

        "Choir actually" I turned to Zayn and Harry and greeted both of them with a simple hello. They both nodded their heads as their way of response.

We sat together talking about homework for the next few weeks, and how they were going out this weekend. And yes I was invited. Score. Who said I couldn't be social? I was standing in front of Zayn ad usually he is taller than me but because he was sitting down on one of the tables we were about the same height. Yes I'm not a very tall person, I know. Suddenly Zayn took the water bottle from my hands and started drinking from it. I decided to joke around with him and while he was drinking the water I tapped the end on the bottle upwards. I'm pretty sure everyone has done this more than once in their lifetime and some people actually tap the bottle so hard water spills from the other person's mouth immeditely. I can assure you though, that wasn't the case.

Serena and Harry were laughing and they suddenly stopped when they saw Zayn's face. I was also laughing but decided to contain myself because of the look on his face. He clearly didn't like this joke. He stood there, staring at me with those dark brown eyes until I couldn't take it anymore. After what he seemed like hours he finally broke the silence.

        "What the fuck was that? Who the fuck do you think you are?"

Wow. Okay. Excuse me? First of all, who do YOU think you are? Does he think just because he has a very attractive face...and body...well and doesn't matter he can speak to me like that? Oh no I don't fucking think so.

        "Lol excuse me? Watch your fucking mouth when you're talking to me, it was a fucking joke. Stop being so over dramatic about this, the water didn't even get to your shirt, Zayn"

From all the things he could've done next, I was certaintly not expecting getting water thrown at my face. Actually not just at my face, but my entire torso. The cold water hit my skin and for a second I thought I was hallucinating from the heat. I closed my eyes until it was over, then took a deep breathe and looked down at myself. My white shirt was sticking to my body and I was soaking wet. Water was dripping from my face, arms, hair, everywhere you could possibly think of. I was about to slap him when Serena grabbed my hand and took me to the bathroom. All I could say before leaving the lunch area was,

        "You're a fucking jerk Zayn don't talk to me again"

He looked at me as if he was the victim here. I wasn't either. I didn't like people to think of me as a victim. It makes you look weak, and weakness is defenitely not my strongest trait. I stared back at him until he broke contact with me to look at Harry. When we finally got to the bathroom Serena sat me down on one the toilets and grabbed a bunch of paper towels.

        "What the fuck is his problem S?! It was a joke"

        "It's just... He was just Zayn being Zayn trust me you'll get used to it"

        "Hell no I'm not. I'm done with him lol who does this?! It was a freaking joke for God's sake stop being such a pussy"

        "This is Zayn we're talking about Sav. He can be the nicest, sweetest, most helpful guy ever, but if you piss him off he can also turn into the biggest  jerk ever in a matter of 2 seconds but you guys are good friends. You have a connection, it's obvious so don't worry. It'll pass"

        "Nah fuck that he has plenty of friends I'm out"

I stood there and when I looked at the clock I realized I was late for Choir. I sprinted up the stairs and entered the room silently and to be honest I don't think Ms. Wheeler even noticed I was late. I sat next to Collin (I have no idea what a guy like him was doing in choir but he probably only wanted an easy 7. Just like me), and next to him was another guy. I hadn't seen him around before but he was hot. He had blonde hair and these piercing blue eyes. He was quite tall and he seemed to be in great shape. I elbowed Collin and asked him who the guy next to him was. 

        "You are such a horny bitch though" he started laughing and I couldn't help but join him. His laugh was contagious and it could fill an entire room.        

        "Stop being like that, I'm just trying to know people"

        "Ayt whatever you say bruh" He elbowed the guy next to us which almost made him fall off the chair. Let's say Collin wasn't the smoothest person.

        "Yo Savannah this dumb shit right here is Niall. He's from Canada so he fucking sucks. Niall this is Savannah. She's from New York so she rocks because America fucking rules"

        "Hey Savannah nice to meet you"

        "Nice to meet you as well" I said, giving him the nicest smile I could master

        "Can y'all just stop pretending you're good people cause we all know ye ain't"

We both burst into laughter. Not because what Collin said was particulary funny it was just the way he spoke. He could honestly make anyone laugh. I liked Collin, I felt like he was going to become one of my close friends here at Lincoln. We spent the rest of the class talking and pretending to be singing. Niall was one of the nicest, most care-free people I have ever met and he was just one of those sorts of people everyone just likes to be around. 

Class ended in the meanwhile and I walked to the middle of the two campuses with Niall. We were talking about rock bands and I was beyond excited that I had finally found someone that shared the same music taste as me. We were talking about this band called Sleeping with Sirens when Zayn approaches us. 

        "Ms. Kaba says she needs to talk to you cause of the volleyball tournament"

I looked at him while he just stood there staring back at me

        "Will do"

He looked at me one last time, before chuckling to himself and walking straight past Niall and I.

        "What was that all about haha?" Niall asked

        "Not even worth mentioning. Come on, come with me I need to talk to Ms. Kaba"

        "Fine. Does it have anything to do with the fact that you got to choir late and soaking wet?"

        "Yes it does" I wasn't looking at him. Talking about Zayn was making me really pissed off so I just decided to focus on the way to the P.E office. Fortunately it was one of the few buildings I knew exactly how to find simply because it was right at the end of the soccer field.

        "I won't ask more questions. Little word of advice though: If I was you, I'd just drop it... that's just how he is sometimes. Sometimes he's chilled. Sometimes he's rude, mean even. But you eventually learn your limits"

For some reason it bothered me having Niall not shutting up about Zayn. He wasn't even that special and if he wanted to be a douchebag then I was certaintly not going to be the one stopping him.

When we got to the P.E office I spoke to Ms. Kaba and we discussed a few of the minor details for the tournament. Ms. Kaba was worried about the hosting of the teams. There were coming teams from International Schools all over Europe and we were hosting them. I stayed at school for another 2 hours working on schedules and rules, and welcome packages making sure everything was perfect for the big day tomorrow. 

 A.N: Hey guys! Another update tomorrow is coming and thanks again to everyone who has been taking the time to read. Love you all xx

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