Chapter Six

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It was exactly a month ago that I landed in cold, yet beautiful London city. To my surprise I was actually enjoying living here. People were nice, classes were going, I had already made so many new friends and I was thoroughly enjoying this new experience. I felt myself changing as days went by. That negative girl that lived in New York didn't seem like myself anymore and even though change may be seen as a bad thing, I think I was changing for the best. Or so I hoped.

After spending almost 3 hours writing an essay for humanities I decided to text Serena. We don't have many classes together so the only time I really get to talk to her is at lunch time, and since I'm also trying to fit in I can't spend my 40 minutes talking to her. Plus I felt like we needed some alone time. 

        Savannah: Are you going out tonight?

She replied almost instantly

        Serena: No why would I go out tonight?

        Savannah: Theo was saying how him and the boys are hitting Venus for shisha

        Serena: Nah I don’t feel like it

        Savannah: Come over then, I have something to tell you


Five minutes my ass. An hour later she was still not at my house, but I barely noticed time ticking by, since I had been texting Theo in the meanwhile. We had been talking quite a lot in these last few weeks and I was starting to really like him. Everyone kept telling me how he was a player but he was sweet to me. He made me laugh and it seemed to me like he genuinely cared. I was careful, nonetheless, not to fall too fast or too hard for him though but up until now he seemed like a really nice guy.

        Theo: What are you doing after ecole remain?

        Savannah: Are we speaking in the same language right now?

        Theo: Haha my bad, I meant what are you doing after school tomorrow

 I heard my mom calling my downstairs saying Serena was here. Finally. I told her to come in and when she finally got to my room, I stared at her to try and make her feel bad for being an hour late. Guess what? She didn’t notice.

            “So what did you want to tell me?”

I looked back at my laptop and Theo had messaged me again

        Theo:  ?

I ignored Serena and kept talking to Theo. After all, I did made him wait quite a while. Plus she was also probably texting her boyfriend so I doubt she would mind if I made her wait a few minutes. She also made me wait an hour for her. 

        Savannah: Oh sorry Glee Club

        Theo: Can you actually sing Sav?

        Savannah: I feel so insulted right now. Yes I can

       Theo: It was just an innocent question. Like seriously I’m going to Skype call you, I want to hear you sing for me.

        Savannah: Or you could just ask me at school

         Theo: I’m a very busy guy, haven’t you heard?

        Savannah: Come to me at lunch time

         Theo: Come to the roof?

        Savannah: Let’s just stay in the lunch area

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