Chapter Nineteen

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A.N: Hey guys! Okay so first of all I wanted to apologize for taking so long to update, and the truth is I have no excuses rather than I have been really busy with work, and college applications and what now but I promise that I'll be updating every week now, no exception. Also this chapter is a little smaller than the rest but I'll be double updating next time to make up for it. On another note, 2.4K YOU GUYS ARE SO AMAZING OMG I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH, YOU LITERALLY HAVE NO IDEA THANK YOU SO SO SO SO SO MUCH FOR TAKING THE TIME TO READ IT, TO FAVORITE IT, TO COMMENT Y'ALL MAKE MY DAY EVERYDAY! Okay I think that's it for now, I hope you can forgive me for my tardiness but I'm back and ready to write more chapters for you guys. Thank you and lots of love for all of you <3 - B

"Thank you, Alex" I said, as I stepped out from my car into Serena's street. It was suddenly cold and windy, and I made a note to myself to carry a cardigan with me at all times. I walked up the front steps to her porch and knocked on her door. I looked around me, and spotted the place Theo and I had kissed on the night we started dating. A wave of sadness rushed through me, but I decided not to think about it much. Victoria's mum opened the door and a wide grin spread all over her face when she saw me. 

"Hello Savannah" she said, moving slighty out of the doorway, so I could walk in. I gave her a hug before asking if Serena was upstairs.

"Yes, yes she's in her room" she said, closing the door before me. As I made my way upstairs to Serena's room her mom called me. 

"Savannah?" she asked from the kitchen.

"Yes?" I answered loudly

"Can I count on you for dinner?" 

"Umm...yes please!" 

"Great dear" she said, and I continued making my way upstairs. As I crossed the hall to her room, I heard someone crying. Serena. I picked up my pace, until I got to her door. 

"Babe?" I said, while peaking my head in her room. She was sprawled across her bed. I couldn't see her face but I knew she was crying. Her back moved up and down ever so slightly, and I made my way towards her bed, kneeling beside it.

"S?" I asked, before moving the hair from her face. She looked at me her eyes were puffy, red, and smeared with black mascara, "Babe...what happened?" She shifted in her bed so I could lay down next to her. She started crying even harder, and I wrapped my arms around her trying my best to console her. I'm not very good at this if I'm quite honest, "Hey...S...come on babe talk to me, what happened?" 

"" she said in between sobs. Anger rushed through my veins, and in that moment I would have give everything to kick him in the nuts.

"What? Why, what happened?" 

"I don't know" she started, "Everything was and then today he texted me saying he didn't want to be" she said before breaking down again. What a coward, I thought. 

"He broke up with you over text?" I asked, barely believing it. 

"Yeah..." she kept on crying, but I could tell she was finally calming herself down. I stood up from her bed, and grabbed her make up remover and a little cotton ball. 

"Here" I said, making her sit down. I poured some of the make up remover on the cotton, and then started removing her mascara, "You are beautiful, and I will not let you settle down for less that what you deserve, and someone who breaks up with you over text, it's way below that SO I'm calling tonight a chick flick night with ice cream"

"I'm lactose intolerant, remember?" she laughed slightly 

"See, see that's what I like! Well, one night won't hurt! Special occasion tonight, we're celebrating!"

"Celebrating what?" 

"Celebrating the way the world has its own way of helping us getting rid of douchebags so we don't end up divorced, with 20 cats, working night swifts to pay the rent to our shitty apartments with lousy neighbors"

"Well that does sound like something that needs to be celebrated" 

"It does indeed" I said, "We can even open a champagne bottle!" 

"We're 13, we can't drink yet" 

"Well my friend, you're turning 14 in a week, and I'm turning 14 in 2 months so techically we can drink champagne" 

"Sav, I don't think we can drink at 14 either"

"S, you're missing the point, we're celebrating tonight because we are two fabulous New Yorkers that don't need men. Specially those that don't even appreciate us" I said, while Theo's voice kept replaying in my head, asking me to go out with him. That's when I started realizing, that despite everything he did, I missed him, which only made me hate him even more. 

"You and Theo broke up, didn't you?" she asked. I nodded, trying my best not to look sad or disappointed. We weren't even together for a whole month, it was beyond ridiculous the way this was starting to affect me. I looked uo at Serena and she had her arms open wide ready to take me in. I hesitated, at first. I'm not really a hug person, but this time I decided to go for it, because I felt like at that moment, I needed my best friend to hug me and tell me it was going to be okay. 

"It's going to be okay, Sav, I know it" she said, while wrapping her arms tightly around me. Always reading my mind this one, "Come on, let's go get ice cream" she said, taking my hand, and leading me down the hall. I decided to call my mom, in the meanwhile, letting her know I would be staying at Serena's tonight. After getting ice cream, Serena and I went upstairs yet again, and spent the rest of the night watching things like, "Mean Girls, "The Sisterhood Of The Travelling Pants", "Breakfast At Tiffany's", "The Princess Diaries", "Legally Blonde" and our all time favorite, "10 Things I Hate About You", before we looked at the clock and noticed we had 10 minutes before school started.

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