Chapter Three

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            You know sometimes when you’re laying down reading a book, talking on the phone, listening to music, and then you suddenly stand up and your vision goes blurry and it looks like you just transferred to another galaxy and there’s a million little stars shinning all around you, so close you can almost touch them. And you just have to stop whatever you were going to do for a bit, to regain your balance and then you’re ready to go? Yeah that’s how if felt when we reached the airport. There were photographers everywhere, calling out our names. My dad was a fairly known businessman in New York so wherever we went they were always there. At first it made me laugh at how they were basically being paid hundreds of dollars to stalk famous people and snap a couple of pictures of them. But now it just annoyed me because they didn’t only target my dad, but us as well and you can imagine how it feels to have someone constantly following you and yelling at you to look at the camera. Made me quite dizzy most of the times, and me being the clumsiest person ever it didn’t really help having flashes all around me, all the time.

            When we finally entered the airport, my family and I went through security and those stupid airport procedures no one really cares about and then after an hour or two we were sitting on the airplane. My brother eventually took the window seat and Serena and I sat together. It was going to be a long flight from what I heard through those bloody airplane speakers where no one really understands a damn thing they’re saying. I reached for my phone to put it on airplane mode, and looked at my background. It was a picture of Serena and I when we were young dancing in the rain. I remember feeling so happy that day because it was her first day back in New York after she left to London. I put the phone back in my bag, and leaned my head against the headrest, trying to get some sleep. It would be probably make the whole airplane ride much easier to handle if I was asleep for most of the time. But of course, I had Serena next to me so I don’t know why I ever thought I would be getting any sleep at all.

            “Are you sleeping?” she asked me in this very surprised tone like people don’t usually sleep on an airplane.      

            “Yes” I said, keeping my eyes closed

            “If you were asleep, you wouldn’t have replied” she said like it wasn’t obvious at all. I just kept trying to sleep. I didn’t want to be awake for the takeoff and I certainly didn’t want to be awake when we landed.

 Guess what? I was awake the whole time.

            “Don’t be so boring come on. I know you’re not excited but I really am. I   mean you’ve been my best friend ever since I remember and now you’re coming to London with me and I still can’t believe it because now it’s going to be that much better”

It was only then that I realized how moody and selfish I was being. I mean yes she was probably excited because I was coming with her, and all I had been doing was complain about the whole thing.

            “You’re right, I’m sorry. Tell me about London”

            “What? You’re serious?!” She looked so surprised it was beyond cute and I couldn’t help but smile.

            “Haha yes I’m serious! I want to know about the school and the people and who should I hang out with or not…you know all those details!”

            “Oh my God yes! I’ve been waiting for this moment since you told me you were moving”

            “Okay you may start with the boys then”

            “Dear Lord yes! Okay so there’s this group of boys in our grade and they’re always together, like always. And yeah there’s 3 of them and they are all so hot like I mean so hot honestly I have to contain my hormones everytime they pass by because wow. It’s like God decided to make them friends so they can glide around school and make girls faint as they go through”

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