Chapter Eight

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When I woke up the next morning there was a smell of freshly made pancakes, home made syrup and apple cider lingering in the air. I got out of bed quickly because there was only one person in this world who knew just how I liked my pancakes. I put on my robe and ran downstairs. When I reached the kitchen, there she was. She was facing her back towards me pouring, literally pouring, that amazing syrup on top of those delicious pancakes.

"MARIAAAAAAAAAAAA!" I yelled as I ran up hug her.

I managed to scare her but she took me in her arms and hugged me as tight as she possibly could.

"Omg I can't believe you're here! Weren't you supposed to stay in New York"

"If I stayed in New York who would make your daily pancakes?"

I laughed and hugged her one more time. I had known Maria ever since I could remember and because of my parents' work I spent most of my childhood with her.

"When did you get here?"

"Last night. I went to your room to see if you were still up but you were fast asleep like a little angel"

"Yeah these past few days have been exhausting! I'm so glad you're here though things haven't been the same without you"

"I'm glad I'm here as well. Now eat before if gets cold. Serena is coming to pick you up at 7:30"

I ate my pancakes in a hurry, then went upstairs to get ready. At exactly 7:30 Serena showed up at my house. I know what you must be thinking, "She was on time today!", but it was just because we had to be at school before class today unless we wanted Ms. Kaba to chop off our heads.

"Morning Sav. Should we take the tube?"

"Yeah sure, why not"

We had taken the tube quite a few times already and we were always on time. Plus I knew my way around London as well now so we weren't just depending on Serena's amazing sense of direction.

"Did you talk to Zayn last night?"

"No lol why would I talk to him?"

"Well one of you is going to have to apologize and you started it"

I stopped whilst she kept walking. I just stood there staring at her until she finally stopped and turned around to face me.

"What Sav?"

"What did he tell you?"

"What? He didn't tell me anything but you started it Sav"

"It was a freaking joke! Don't tell me you're on his side!"

"I'm not on anyones side Sav, I'm just trying to fix things between you two. You're good friends and you're willing to let it go to waste over a stupid and pointless misunderstanding"

"Fine. He can apologize whenever he feels like it. I will be waiting"

I started walking faster now, passing her. She grabbed my hand which made me lose my balance and almost fall in front of the whole street.

"Be careful omg Serena pipe the fuck down!"

"Would you stop it already?! You two are being ridiculous, and don't turn yourself on me I had nothing to do with this, I'm just trying to help here"

"Well I appreciate your help S, I really do. And as I said, he can come and apolgize whenever he feels like it"

I grabbed her arm and dragged her down the street, so we would't be late to school.

"You two are the most stubborn people I know, fucking hell man"

I rolled my eyes at her and kept walking until we finally reached the tube.

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