Chapter Twelve

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"Good morning hayete"

I walked down the steps of my house and kissed Theo good morning. He handed me my usual Starbucks order and we started walking towards the tube.

"So if you call me hayete then what do I call you? Is it hayete as well?"

"Haha no babe you can call me habibi if you like. Both mean "my love" but one you use for boys and the other one you use for girls. Arabic is a weird language"

"I like it actually, sounds...exotic"

He kissed my cheek and we kept walking down the street holding hands. After Theo asked me out we spent the whole night talking and decided this was going to be our morning routine. Since his house is near mine, we'd meet at mine and walk together to the tube. He was a year older than me and since we didn't have any classes together I guess it was just our way of spending more time together.

"So what classes do you have today?" he asked.

"Umm... I have science first block. Then film art. Then english and then math. What about you?"

"I honestly have no idea haha. I lost my schedule so I bring all my books with me to school"

"Theo! Why don't you just ask for a new one?!"

He started doing the "pushing-hair-back-move-looking-down-awkwadly" move again.

"I'm serious I can come with you if you want"

"I can do it by myself Savannah"

"Clearly" I kept walking a little ahead of him. I didn't want to be late and he was being ridiculous what was the big deal about asking for another schedule?

"Sav..." he called out for me. I turned around to face him again. He stood right where I left him still looking down at the floor.

"Theo we're going to be late come on"

"Is this our first fight?"

"What?" I couldn't help but laugh.

"Is this like a fight?"

"No haha this isn't a fight babe I'm just saying you should get a new schedule"

I held his hand and pulled him towards me. He was much taller than I was so my only choice was to look up. He had these really light hazel eyes and I found myself looking at them for longer than I probably should. He was looking down at me and for a few seconds we both forgot we were in the middle of London. He cupped my face with both his hands before leaning forward and kissing me gently. I wrapped my arms around his neck and we stood there, in the middle of the street, kissing. He was a great kisser, may I add. When we finally pulled away he looked at me one last time before grabbing my hand and kissing it softly. We continued walking towards the tube, and I finally got him to agree to get a new schedule.


"Fuck bruh did you do the homework?"

"Yes Collin I did the homework. You didn't?! Seriously already? Haha"

"Fuck you okay. I was busy last night"

"Oh were you huh? Doing what exactly?"

"I'm not going to tell you"

"Fine. Niall told me already it's good"

Niall and Collin were like best friends and sometimes I wonder why since they're so different from each other.

"That little shit. Fine then I'm trying to make my first move on Sarah!"


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