Chapter Sixteen

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The next day when my alarm went off, I sat up in my bed looking out of the window. It was one of those days where I felt nothing could go wrong. I felt content. I even found myself sighing out loud. Maria came in and helped me out of bed and into the shower. I showered quickly and changed into my clothes before going downstairs to have breakfast with my family. The day started just like any other but today...I don't know...I just felt like today was going to be a good day. I tried to enjoy my good days every once in a while when I had them since they didn't come all that often.

I grabbed my bag on my way out, and waited for Theo to show up. After 15 minutes, I was still waiting for him in front of my house. I checked my phone and I had a text from him that read,

Theo: Not gonna be able to make it today, need to take care of my visa. See you at lunch xx

I need to start looking at my phone before leaving my house in case something like this ever happens again. I decided to take the tube by myself today when I heard someone calling my name. It was nearly a whisper and after turning around and not seeing anyone I recognized I kept walking. Only when I heard my name again, this time louder, that I started scanning the crowd. It didn't take me long to recognize from within the crowd Serena's ridiculously blonde curls waving around as she dodged more people than I could count. When she finally reached me, her breathing was uneven and for a second I wondered if she was having an ashtma attack. She bent forward, leaning her hands on her knees.

" fun?" She said in between breaths

"Haha yeah I love running"

She looked up at me in disbelief and I nodded back at her.

"Come we have to get going or else we're going to be late"

"Fine...I talk to you...about...something?"

"Come on, we'll talk on our way there. Up you go" I helped her up and was even nice enough to carry her handbag for her. Which, just by the way, was so fucking heavy like I swear she had an elephant in there. Seriously it wasn't even normal. I'm a good friend though so I didn't complain. 50 points for Gryffindor.

"Okay, so how about you tell me where you were yesterday?"

I tried to play dumb, making my way around her question

"At school"

She looked at me skeptically. I honestly don't even know why I still try. She always manages to figure me out.

"Fine. I was at Theo's"

She suddenly let go on my arm and stood right in front of me blocking my way. I tried dodging her anyways, but she moved to block me again.

"So the rumours are true then. Omg tell me all about it, did you like it when know?" She asked, winking at me. I still wasn't quite sure of what was happening.

"How do you kno-"

"It's all everyone has been talking about!" she was clearly excited about this. I, on the other hand, wasn't, "What do you mean it's all everyone has been talking about?"

"Oh you know how you went to his house and he asked you for a handjob and you didn't know what it was haha did you actually not know?! Anyways and how he went down on you and..." She kept talking but I couldn't hear her anymore. Everyone knew about my first intimate moment with him. Just when I thought nothing could ruin my day. I don't like crying in front of people, but I couldn't help the tears from falling down my cheeks no matter how hard I bit my tongue.

"Sav no, what's wrong?" I looked away from her and kept walking, "Sav, wait I'm sorry I thought you knew" I turned back around and looked at her. She looked honestly surprised and I needed a friend. Plus it wasn't really her I should be mad at right now.

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