Chapter Ten

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I could hear Serena and Nora talking behind me, and then they suddenly stopped. They were probably looking at the same thing I was. Standing right in front of the school gate was Jennifer sticking her tongue down Matt's throat. And I mean literally sticking. You know those people that kiss and you can see everything happening inside their mouths? Yeah it was exactly like that. The three of us stood there wide eyed looking at them. Jennifer finally noticed us and pulled away from that very passionate kiss. Matt's eyes were open wide looking at us. We probably had the same look on our faces...just obviously not for the same reason. Jennifer looked down and I think I caught her blushing. It was silent for a long time between all of us until Serena finally spoke.

        "Oh there's Theo! Let's go you don't want to keep him waiting!"

We took it as our cue to leave. Jennifer and Matt stayed behind doing God knows what. I chuckled to myself at the irony of the situation. We entered the school and there were people everywhere. The party itself was inside this huge room called the VPAC. Don't ask me what it stands for cause I honestly do not remember. It's used as the drama room so that's what everyone just calls it. Outside the VPAC we have the NPAC. Original, right? I don't really know what its actual purpose is but it's basically this kind of open pavillion. It has amazing accoustics and it's used for small school performances like the Talent Shows or the Coffee Houses. Theater people usually used it to practice during class time so everyone can have more space to practice. There were a few teachers hanging around but none of them seemed too happy to be at a School dance. This german guy from my grade, his name was Heinz and he was huge, iterally like in every possible way. He was nice sometimes but he could be quite careless about the sort of comments he made. He was playing music, so I guess you could say he was our DJ. We entered the VPAC and since there were only a few people there dancing we decided to go outside again and sit at one of the tables at the NPAC. After a while of sitting there waiting for I'm not really sure what, Jacob Ofori came to great us and he took Nora with him. What about Niall, though? ANYWAYS, Montego came as well to pick up Serena and then they went off somewhere probably to hook up. 

All of my friends had company and I didn't feel comfortable enough to join a group of people and make conversation. It's just not who I am, and who I can be. I decided to pull out my phone and text Theo. Where the hell was he, anyways? I took the time to check Facebook and what everyone what was up to. All of the sudden I felt someone sitting next to me and when I looked up from my phone, Zayn was there. 

        "Do you want something?" I asked. Yes I was still mad at him.

        "Actually I wanted to apologize for the other day"

        "Okay apology accepted" I faked a smile at him

        "You have nothing to say?"

Did he actually think I was going to apologize? HAHA LOL

        "No I'm good thanks"


        "I did nothing wrong, you freaked cause of nothing"

        "I overreacted yes but you also had part in it. It's called being the bigger person" 

I looked at him and chuckled. Not like what he said was  funny but this "bigger person" thing certainly was.

        "Whatever makes you sleep at night, Zayn"

I looked back down at my phone.

        "Okay I know I can come off as a rude jerk but you're not being the nicest person either right now"

I decided to put my phone away. What he did was stupid but I also did kind of started it. Even though I only meant it as a joke. Plus I had no else to talk to and I did really enjoy talking to Zayn. He was one of the good guys.

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