Knowing the Volturi

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I turn around to see Demetri,"Oh nothing just that I wish Alec wasn't my mate",I say then he asks why and I explain everything, soon he comforts me like he was my friend we laugh the whole way till its night,"It was fun Demetri but I need to go to sleep",I say, "Ok go rest,good night",he says,"Night",I respond,as I get to my room I hear Alec and Jane so I just enter,get my clothes and go to Rose's restroom,there I change and then head back to my room as I see Jane leave my room,soon I see Alec laying at one side of the bed.

I ignore him so I lay down at the edge of my bed but soon a arm pulls me close to Alec's cold body,I ignore him but soon he plays with my hair then whispers to my ear,"Im sorry Hailey",I don't believe him so I act like im sleeping,"We'll talk tomorrow,sweet dreams",he says as he puts his arms on my waist.

**************The next day***************

I wake up to see Alec's cold hand around my waist then he kisses my head and whispers, "Morning",he says im still pretty mad at him for his words that he said about me,soon he turns me so he could look at me ,"Im sorry,I really am Hailey,I got mad,but I can't stay mad at you forever because I said those words,please forgive me",he says but I ignore him,"I love you",he tells but pah-lease,"I don't believe you",I say mad at him, "Ill prove it to you",he said as he moved my hair away from my face,he was looking at me and his face got close to mine soon he kissed me,I didn't kissed back so he stoped, "I'll let you calm down",he says getting up and leaving soon a knock is heard,"Come in",I say as I see Demetri enter,"You're up",he says surprised.

"Yep,im not sleeping beauty",I say joking, "Well kinda",he says laughing I join him as I see Alec at the edge of the door,my heart stops as I see him hurt,"How's you and Alec"  he asks,"Im still mad at him what he said has no forgiveness",I say,"Well that's sad wanna go take walk at the woods?",he asks me I see Alec's eyes widen up,how about a little pay back,"Yea",I say happy as I see Alec get mad,soon he slams the door open and pushes Demetri to the wall, "Stay....Away......From......Her!",he says mad, "Why,so you can hurt her more?",he says as Alec gets more mad,"She's mine!"he says as he starts punching Demetri on the ground,it hurts ne seeing my friend get hurt so I interfere,"Alec No!Please stop!",I scream but he doesn't listen,I try to pull him away but he is too strong,so I just thought of something fast.

I move his head towards mine,my hands on his neck,I lean in and kiss him,suddenly he stops punching,gets up,he grows taller than me so I let go,he leans in downward and kisses me back again,he grabs my waist and I grab his neck and play with his hair,soon I break up the kiss then check on Demetri, "Demetri?Demetri are you okay?",I ask him, "Yeah,ill let you both talk",he says then he leaves.

There is a long silence so im about to leave Alec runs to me and pulls me to him,"Im sorry",he says as he leans in to kiss me but I dont kiss back this time,"Hailey,5 minutes ago you kissed me,why not now?",he asks, "I kissed you in order to stop you,Alec you,you are way to protective,why did you attack him,why wouldn't  you stop if I was crying for you to stop",I argue with him,"Im sorry Hailey,im sorry for everything,im sorry",he says and then kisses me,his apology,I couldn't say no,something pulled me to apologizing him,so I kissed back,Alec spinned us and then pushed me to my bed.

It's been 5 minutes and we're still kissing soon a knock is heard,its Aro,so we break up and open the door,"May I speak with you Alec?",he asks,"Yes master",he runs to me and kisses me one last time then he goes to follow Aro.

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